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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-28 08:10



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:40


I work for ABC company. 要是你在 ABC 工作了一段时间,最好加上工作年资 可以用 I have been working for ABC company for 3 years.

I am working in Beijing Converse branch now.

Converse is an well known, established brand for over 100 years. (Converse established in 1908)

Basket ball shoes has been Converse main proct line for many years.

Until 1996, Converse changed their focus on canvas shoes.

We have a wide range of Converse canvas shoes.

颜色有黑,红,黄,还有粉色, 但是尺码不齐全(不齐全比较负面, 应该用 limited)
We stock their full color range, such as, black, red, yellow and peach colour, but limited sizes.

We also stock Converse range of clothing procts.

Last but not least, for any Converse needs, you are welcome to shop in our store.

以上不是中文翻译成英文。 是用英文书写出来的。
最后, 不是 At last, Last but not least 是英文的 phase, 是正面写at last.


morsmor 和 99656793 的勇气是好的,但他们的英文翻译,有太多的错了。不可以用啊。

I'm a worker from***,I'm work(working)in Converse B4 (store).

Converse is an old brand,

it's the key proct of basketball shoes (Basket ball shoes is their main proct). Until 1996, we (Converse) proce(d) canvas shoes,there are many kinds of designs in our shop,there are many kinds of colour like black,red,yellow and pink but we don't have all sizes. (We sell) not only shoes but also cloth and trousers in our shop, last, I will (take out will) welcome all of you come to my shop if you want to buy Converse.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:41


I'm a worker from***,I'm work in Converse B4,Converse is an old brand, it's the key proct of basketball shoes until 1996 we proce canvas shoes,there are many kinds of designs in our shop,there are many kinds of colour like black,red,yellow and pink but we don't have all size of the shoes.Not only shoes but also cloth and trousers in our shop, last, I will welcome all of you come to my shop if youwant to buy Converse.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:41

I am a ** company's employees, I am in the shop B4 Converse, Converse is a very old brand, which has been based on basketball shoes as the main proct until 1996, only to the main canvas shoes, I shop Variety's canvas shoes (style) There are many colors, black, red, yellow, and pink, but not full size. In addition to the shoe store, we also sell clothes and trousers, finally, if you want to purchase Converse items, I always welcome your arrival.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:42

I am currently employed by **, working at a Kuangwei store. Kuangwei is a brand that enjoys a long history. It was once a manufacturer of solely basketball shoes. It wasn't until 1996, did it started procing canvas shoes. The store I worked in carries a large collection of various shoe models, in different colors like black, red, yellow as well as pink. However, certain sizes are not available. Besides shoes, the store also sells cloths and trousers. If you are interested in purchasing Kuangwei procts, your gracious presence at our store will be most welcomed.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 16:42

简单, 直接, 了当, 但怪怪的....
I am a worker of Converse, I am now working at Converse B4, Converse is an old brand, it's main proct was basketball shoes, until 1996 only started to change to canvas shoes, our shop has many kinds of canvas shoes, the colours are black, red, yellow, and also pink, but we don't have all the size. Besides shoes, we also sell shirts and pants, lastly, if you want to buy our procts, I always welcome you.
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