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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 17:28



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 05:06

This paper introces the principle and design of a kind of energy saving and sound and light control electronic switch. It is realized by the integrated chip TC4011 and the transistor. In the receiver, the signal is received by the receiver and the light signal is felt by the photosensitive resistance. After the delay circuit, the output of the TC4011 is controlled by the conction and disconnection of the transistor, thus controlling the light and the light of the LED lamp. Acousto optic double control lamp is acousto-optic delay line is added inside the lamp can be widely used in building corridor, the eldest branch, courtyard and so on aisle of a series of public places and acoustooptic controlled lamps instead of incandescent lamp to bring the inconvenience and save unnecessary expenses and energy consumption. This is the modern ideal of new green lighting switch, the advantages of energy saving, to avoid human or physical loss, saving maintenance costs, and so on, and extended the switching life.
In this design introces the application and working principle of sound and light control of street lamp controller. When daylight illumination is good, no matter how sound issued, LED lamp does not light, night light in the dark, the electret microphone as long as the noise burst is detected, will automatically light up the LED and delay quenching.
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