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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 03:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:19

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

the war is over!?

The anti-Fascist war ended in 1945, 60 years ago. The Chinese People will never fet August 15, 1945, the date on which the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender.

Japanese militari *** collapsed. The Chinese people won the final victory .And it is the first plete triumph for China in its 100-year-odd history of bating aggression and achieving the nation's liberation and independence.

The war is over,but we paid dearly for this war. The bloody battles brought to all over the world is only sorrow、fears、death and poverty. 战争带来了眼泪、恐惧、死亡、贫穷……

The war is over,but Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi always visit the Shrine, which honours 14 Class-A war criminals. The shrine visits has deeply hurt the feelings of the people of all countries that suffered from the aggression. 那显示着军国主义复辟。

the war is over,but the Japanese government deny and distort its history of aggression. The new textbook whitewashes Japan's invasion of Asian countries, regardless of the fact that the Japanese militarists mitted countless atrocities in its 14 years of invasion. They attempt to shirk war responsibilities by confusing right and wrong.

The war is over,we are longing for peace. But How can we shake hands with a nation which never dare to face the history? How can we embrace them who made us suffered so much? How can we open our heart and try to bridge with which deliberately plans to keep China under control? The hurts are not so easy to heal, the only way for them is remembering the history,engaging in deep and positive reflection in the face of countries and backing their words with deeds……Only in this way, Japan can achieve peace and development in the future.

All Chinese shall learn to say “No” and make concerted efforts to build our country into a prosperous and strong country, it’s a vital reflection of patrioti *** , isn’t it?

The war is over?No. The war of terrori *** 、race riot、resources plundering is around all of us. Looking back on history, we ardently hope that the horrors of war will never be repeated. Let the soldiers e back,let the wives hold their hu *** ands’love,let the children live with happiness,let the world be peace for ever,let the war be over!



The bloody battles brought nothing but sorrow,tears,death and poverty to all over the world.

but Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi always (visits) the Shrine, which honours 14 Class-A war criminals.

The shrine visits (have) deeply hurt the feelings of the people of all countries that suffered from the aggression and display that Japan attempts to restore its militari *** .

but the Japanese government (denies) and (distorts) its history of aggression

They attempt to shirk (their) responsibilities (for the war) by confusing right and wrong

How can we embrace them who made us (suffer) so much

How can we open our heart and try to bridge with (a nation) which deliberately plans to keep China under control?

The hurts are (hard) to heal, the only way for them is (to remember the history,to engage in deep and positive reflection in the face of countries and to take back their words with their actual deeds……

All Chinese shall learn to say “No”----All Chinese should answer "No" to the question.

and make concerted efforts to build our country into a prosperous and strong (one)

Looking back (to the) history

let the children live (in) happiness

let the world be peace for ever,let the war be over---Let the war be just a part of the past ,and let the world be (peaceful) for ever
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