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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-27 12:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 23:26






A typical day of yours

I am a girl who is different from others. Other girls have good grades and have to be able to do better. And my grades are not poor. I am not a good student, but how to say I am a middle student.

That night, I looked at the blue and black sky and thought about my whole day:

On the way to school, my pace is always so slow. My left foot rubs against my right foot. I really don't want to go to school so soon. My breathing is always so fast in school.

It's nine o'clock. Why endorse the first Chinese lesson? Last night, I fell asleep while doing my homework. How can I remember reciting? Why are there so many schoolchildren's homework? It's ten o'clock. I always make mistakes in math class. After making mistakes, I will be criticized. I'd better not do it. Can't anyone in the world not multiply? It's eleven o'clock. It's another sleepy English lesson. Why do Chinese people have to learn foreign languages? Why don't we all use one language? It's a typical slow day.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 23:27

Here is an example of an English composition about a typical day:
A Typical Day
I wake up at 6:30 every morning to the sound of my alarm clock. After getting dressed and having breakfast, I make my way to school. Classes start at 8:00, and I have a full schele throughout the day.
First, I have English class. Our teacher always starts the class by discussing a news article with us and encouraging us to share our opinions. It's one of my favorite classes because I enjoy learning new vocabulary and practicing my writing.
Next, I have math class. Although I find it challenging, I am determined to do well and push myself to try my best. Our teacher gives us lots of problems to solve, and I am always eager to see how many I can get right.
After lunch, I have science class. We conct different experiments every week, and it's always exciting to see how they turn out. I've learned a lot about the world around me from this class, and I'm always asking the teacher questions.
Finally, I have physical ecation class. I love playing sports, so this is always something I look forward to. We either play soccer or basketball, and it's a great way to end the day.
When I get home, I usually have a little free time to relax or do some homework before dinner. After dinner, I spend some time with my family watching TV or playing board games. I usually go to bed around 10:00 so that I can be well-rested for the next day.
Overall, it's a typical day for me, but I enjoy it and am grateful for everything that comes along with it.
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