What is " dial " mean?
发布时间:2023-07-27 10:46
时间:2024-12-05 20:20
Dial the phone number 系打电话number 咁dial就系 打电话个动词 姐系日常生活讲嘅>gum< 2008-01-28 00:20:32 补充: Sounds like 咁
参考: Australian student
dial 1. (仪器等的)刻度盘
示数盘 2. 表盘;钟盘 The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那只钟面是夜光的。 3. 电台调节器;(电视机的)频道调节器 4. (机器的)调节控制器 5. (电话机的)拨号盘 6. 日晷仪 vt. 1. 调(电视频道、电台);收听
收视 2. 拨(电话号码);打电话给 She dialled London direct. 她直接拨了给伦敦的电话。 3. (用标度盘)指示;计量 vi. 1. 拨号
打电话 2. 操纵调谐装置 noun
di·al·ing or (especially British) di·alled
adjective –noun 1. a plate
or other surface containing markings or figures upon which the time of day is indicated by hands
or shadows
as of a clock or sundial. 2. a plate or disk with markings or figures for indicating or registering some measurement or number
as of pressure
number of revolutions
the frequency to which a radio is tuned
usually by me of a pointer. 3. a rotatable plate
or knob used for regulating a mechani ***
making and breaking electrical connections
as in tuning a radio or television station in or out. 4. Also called rotary dial. a rotatable plate or disk on a telephone
fitted with finger holes that are marked with letters or numbers
used in making calls through an automatic switchboard. 5. any mechani *** on the face of a telephone by which the caller places a call
as push buttons. 6. Also called miner's dial. Mining. a pass used for underground surveying. –verb (used with object) 7. to indicate or register on or as if on a dial. 8. to measure with or as if with a dial. 9. to regulate
or tune in by me of a dial
as on a radio: to dial my favorite program. 10. to make a telephone call to: Dial me at home. –verb (used without object) 11. to use a telephone dial; to dial a telephone: I keep dialing
but the line seems dead. 12. to tune in or regulate by me of a dial: to dial into the opera broadcast. –adjective 13. (of a telephone) having a rotary dial mechani *** . —Verb phrase14. dial up
to obtain
or contact by telephone: to dial up stock-market information; to dial up Chicago and do some business.
参考: me
1. (仪器等的)刻度盘
示数盘 2. 表盘;钟盘 The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那只钟面是夜光的。 3. 电台调节器;(电视机的)频道调节器 4. (机器的)调节控制器 5. (电话机的)拨号盘 6. 日晷仪 vt. 1. 调(电视频道、电台);收听
收视 2. 拨(电话号码);打电话给 She dialled London direct. 她直接拨了给伦敦的电话。 3. (用标度盘)指示;计量 vi. 1. 拨号
打电话 2. 操纵调谐装置 dial同义: vt.
vi.打电话 call ring phone 名复: dials 动变: dialed
dialled; dialed
dialled; dialing
参考: Yahoo
1. (仪器等的)刻度盘
示数盘 2. 表盘;钟盘 The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那只钟面是夜光的。 3. 电台调节器;(电视机的)频道调节器 4. (机器的)调节控制器 5. (电话机的)拨号盘 6. 日晷仪 vt. 1. 调(电视频道、电台);收听
收视 2. 拨(电话号码);打电话给 She dialled London direct. 她直接拨了给伦敦的电话。 3. (用标度盘)指示;计量 vi. 1. 拨号
打电话 2. 操纵调谐装置
参考: .dictionary.yahoo/search?q=1&s=dial