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小英语作文 中英对照

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热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 16:03

I Love to Write Day and My Best Writing Advice
November 15, 2008 by Lillie

Do you love to write? So do I, and today is our day, I Love to Write Day. According to the official Web site:

November 15, 2008 will mark the seventh I Love To Write Day, a grassroots effort to have people of all ages practice their writing skills. Created by Delaware author John Riddle, I Love To Write Day is an opportunity for people of all ages to write something: a poem, an essay, a letter to the editor, a short story, start a novel, finish a novel - the possibilities are endless!

This post is filed under Writing and Publishing Advice because I’m going to share the two best pieces of advice I can give to any aspiring writer:

Read, read, read!
Write, write, write!
Writers are readers first. Why would anyone want to write if they didn’t love reading? You’ll learn a lot about writing if you read a lot. Certainly read writing how-to books, but also read poetry, creative nonfiction, history, biography, fiction—a romantic mystery titled Dream or Destiny comes to mind. You will learn as much from observing other writers’ techniques as you will from reading about those techniques in how-to books.

At some point, though, you have to stop reading and start writing. I Love to Write Day is a perfect day to write. If you’re already writing—maybe you’re halfway through National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)—be sure to write today.

If you haven’t started, take the first step. Begin a journal. Get a jump-start with a writing prompt. Write a letter to a loved one. Compose a poem or start a book.

What did (or will you) write today?

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