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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 08:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 14:50

Taipei, generally refers to the Taipei city, but may in fact mean that one of the following:

Taipei City, Taipei for short;
Taipei County, acronym for the North County;
Taipei together with Taipei County, usually known as the Greater Taipei area;
Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, Taoyuan County, Taipei metropolitan area constituted;
Northern Taiwan, including Keelung City, Taipei County, Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County and Ilan County. But it is more commonly used name is the North or northern Taiwan;
Taipei City, the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in Taipei or Taipei City of the ancient city.

Located in the northern part of the island of Taiwan in Taipei City, Taipei basin of central, and the Taipei County next to four weeks. The city area of 272 square kilometers and a population of 2.44 million. Is all of Taiwan's political, economic, cultural and ecational center for Taiwan's first large cities.

Year 1875 (the first year of Qing dynasty),钦差Minister Shen Baozhen to set up the Taipei House, the executive in charge of Taiwan, from there, "Taipei" in the name. In 1885, the Qing government on the Taiwan establishment of the province, the first circuit inspector Liu Ming-chuan as the capital of Taipei. In 1949, Taipei City as of the Republic of China government retreated to Taiwan in the highest executive body location (but, in theory, the formal capital of the Republic of China on the mainland at the Nanjing). In 1990, Taipei City Administrative Region redraw, the original 16 districts adjusted to today's 12 District: Chiang Kai-shek, Wanhua, Tatung district, in mountainous areas,松山区, Ta-an District, Hsinyi District, in the Lakes region, Nankang District, Shihlin , Peitou District, Man Mountain.
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