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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-03 08:38



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 14:03

1, with strong writing skills, able and good at writing articles for various style 2, with sharp market sense and sensitivity 3 news, students experience I can share with people in problem-solving abilities have been greatly enhance , and one year of journalism experience makes my overall situation and organizational capacity of great exercise, learn to unite, inspire the work of partners. 以达到最佳工作成果。 To achieve the best results of the work.
4、实习不仅能将我的四年所学结合进实践,更重要的是在独立分析解决问题、与人沟通交流以及应对紧急状况上都有了更多的成长和体悟。 4, four years of my practice can not only learned incorporated into the practice, more importantly, in analyzing and solving independent problems with communication and to communicate emergency response Shang had a much better growth and realized that


热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 14:03

1 Strong writing skills, and good at writing various style articles.
2, A keen sense of the market and news sensitivity
3, The student commite experience improve my ability to communicate with people, and the one year news work made me got a lot of practice on global and organization skills ,I learn to agglomerate, motivating working partner. In order to achieve the best results.
4 Practice can not only combine what I have learnde with practice, more important is I have more understanding in the independent analysis, problem solving, communication and emergencies .

热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 14:04

1: I have a rather solid foundation on literal skill,good at any form,style of writing.
2: I am senstive to the market and news
3 :The experience working in students union made me have a great promtion on the ability of my communication and handling problems .one year news working experience gave me a great practice in comprehensive arrangements and organizing capacity and leart to cooperate ,encourage coworkers to accomplish task best
4:internship not only combined my theory that accumulated within four years into practice ,more importantly ,I have got more understanding on independent analysis and solving problems ,communication ,dealing with emergency problems .

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