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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 13:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:38

Dear, i need you give me a faver here. We just received a in form from bank that the deposit of HW order can'be added into account becasuse of the discrepany of the address on the transfer sheet. Therefor, would you please ask the bank to issue a guarntee letter of address modification to us? I truely sorry about the unconvinenece because the address not update on the order. We would like to afford any expense proced by modify theremittance.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:39

Dear xxx.
There is one thing that I need your help. With regard to the deposit for the HW order, we have just received a notice from the bank, indicating that the band could not accept the depost e to inconsist addresses on your deposit form. Could you go to your bank and request for us a form to change our address. We are awfully sorry for not having our address on the order form updated and apologize for all the inconvenience this has brought to you. Should there be any fees for requesting change of information on the deposit form, we consider it our responsibility to pay for it。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 16:39

Dear, I have a thing to need your help, for the HW orders. We have just received the bank notice, inform your remittance information e to the incorrect address so you can't coming. So please could you tell your bank requires a modification of address letter to us? I'm sorry this is e to our order address didn't update, so cause you problems on the job, if e to modify the remittance information fee we are willing to bear.
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