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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 14:58



热心网友 时间:2023-08-02 23:41

Subject of communication systems research and simulation synchronization problem

Synchronization information transmission when the key prerequisite for the quality of their work directly determine the quality of communication, in almost all communication systems have to first solve the synchronization problem, stable, reliable, accurate synchronization is essential for communications. In order to understand the overall synchronization technology, this paper systematically expounded carrier synchronization, bit synchronization, cluster synchronization and the basic principles of network synchronization, and analysis and comparison of their methods of implementation, and finally give the performance of the synchronization technology and its impact on the communication system of indicators performance. And the working principle of the phase-locked loop. And SIMULINK with MATLAB implementation of carrier synchronization PLL simulation. Finally, synchronous communication system for further study Prospect.

Key words synchronization carrier synchronization MATLAB SIMULINK
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