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英语三分钟演讲主题是“分享 ”要参加比赛,大家给个范文参考一下。谢谢...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 09:27



热心网友 时间:2022-07-02 03:57

Sharing is happiness

Nowadays, a lot of people all over the world like to help others by sharings. Is it because people now are more caring than used to be? The answer is "No!". There were always the proportion of kind people in this world. The helping of others difference between now and then is just the wealth and political stabilities.

In the old days, the world are constantly at waring state. People were in chaos most of the time, things were hard for everyone regardless of rich or poor. And of course there were not so many rich people either, hence people doing charity were very few and far in between.

But now, the world is far more peaceful than ever before, and follow the rapid development of the world's economy, people in developped countries nowdays have far more exccessive income to spare, and with the creation of the charity oragnizations world wide. More fortunate people can share a bit of their wealth to help those other not so fortunate ones in every corner of our world.

Simply some the charity organizations had gone so big, their aids are far reached to almost everywhere in the world. charity events are also being held everywhere, everyday and for everything! Many people are really enjoying helping others, some even devoted into doing charities, volanteers for charity works are in their thousands. A lot of them not just sharing what they have but also enjoy involving in doing the help. They surely are giving their hearts and their warmth to the needy and proud of their sharings!.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-02 05:15

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