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对四川地震的呼吁 英语 高手来!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 08:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:42


As many of you might have known, China just had a 7.9 earthquake, the largest since 1976, Tangshan earthquake which killed 240,000 to 270,000 people. You may learn more about Tangshan earthquake here:


This time, it is estimated that at least 50,000 people died from this earthquake, and I fear even much more, as the rescue workers have not been able to search through all the areas yet because of the heavy rain and blocked road in the mountain area.

I am posting a couple of links from a Chinese web site to give you some idea of the disaster:

An interview with a local government official who lost all his family members

Many photos showing the devastating scenes

Reuters report

At least 5 million people lost their homes, and most unfortunate, thousands of students/kids got killed in the collapsed buildings. For almost all families, they have only one child and that's their only hope.

My wife and I came from China 10 years ago. We love our country and our people. Being away from hometown is not easy, and it is most difficult to watch such a tragedy unfolds. I am working with local association in San Francisco to make donations to send to China.

Photozo is a wonderful community that bonds people from all over the world. I am hereby calling for all of your help. Please consider make a donation to help the people who lost everything in Sichuan, China where the earthquake strikes.

You may not know this, even though China has become the world manufacturing base, most of the people still live in poverty. China has about 800 million people live in the farming area with an average household income of $700 US Dollars per year. We may think our donation amount is not big, but it will get them through the most difficult time and help them to regain the confidence in life.

There are many people who lost their only child, and they feel empty heart; and there are many kids lost their parents, fortunately people in surrounding area are coming to adopt them. They all need our help.

Please consider make a donation today. You may send the donation (any amount) through paypal to support@photozo.com by clicking on the below donate button:

Alternatively, send a check to me at the following address:

Shouchen Peng
969-G Edgewater Blvd #255
Foster City, CA 94404

I will arrange the donation through a channel that has no overhead cost and ensure all of the money get well spent. And I will update you here with donation received every week, and how it is processed and sent to China.

I greatly appreciate your generous and kind help.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 19:42

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