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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-15 04:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:17

6-10 AAADC
11-15 BAAAB
16-20 AADCD
21-25 CABBA
26-30 DBBAD

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:17

30.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _____ when judging my examination.

A) regard B) counting C) account D) observation

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:18


热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:19

By the end of April Peter__ here for three months.
A. will have stayed B. will stayc. stays D. has stayed

I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply__ what I did.

A. ought to have done B. have to doc. had to do D. must do

We___ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.

A. just have had B. have just had c. just hadD. had just had

Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they_ better health.

A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed c. have been enjoyingD. are enjoying

He wore dark glasses to avoid.

A. having been recognized B. to be recognizedc. recognized D. being recognized

The Viking are believed. _America.

A. to have discoveredB. to discover c. in discovering D. to have been discovered

Here we found hale snow, as most of it seemed__ _blown off the mountain.

A. to have beenB. to be c. that it was D. that it had been

Prisons in some countries are short of staff, _ means each prison officer is overworked and underpaid.

A. whichB. this c. what D. it

He spoke confidently, _ impressed me most.A. so that B. that c. it D. which

He took down a square green bottle,. he poured into a dish.

A. its content B. which content c. the content of whichD. the content of that

I bought a new house last year, butl__ _my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

have not sold

热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 15:19

我自己都没学好 帮不了你
你家的水龙头起泡器该换了 如何打开水龙头起泡器 网上卖门锁,安装如何解决 广告装潢需要哪些设备 广告制作需要哪些材料 开锦旗招牌广告制做店须要什么 广告店需要哪些耗材 长安之星发动机水泵要坏之前声音怎么判断 家有孕妇咋调理:280天贴心呵护生健康宝贝图书信息 哪些是适合孕妇看的书 武汉光谷西班牙风情街放的是什么歌? 关于md5破解3 有MD5算法,谁能破解这个MD5 梦见车被两个警察开走1 MD5破解网是不是什么都能破解?可为什么我什么都没破解出来呢... 谁知道有哪些好听的欧美音乐,推荐几个???224 为什么我刚买的蓝牙耳机连接自己的手机很大声!连了别人的就很小声?这... 我有了新的女朋友,我很爱她,可是前任来找我复合,我也很喜欢前...15 MD5加密是不可逆的,但不是有很多MD5在线破解网站吗,而且...24 一首摇滚欧美歌曲。很好听。但不知道名字1 为什么我的手机连接蓝牙耳机或者有线耳机后声音莫名其妙地变小了_百度... 谁能帮我破解下面的MD5值啊,试了很多网站都破解不了!!! ...1 ...四级证)。 我四级没过,单位因此拒绝录用的话? MD5在线破解不了还能怎么破解?4 和前女友分手一个月了,她现在又找我复合,可是我现在已经有喜欢...4 绵阳惠益建筑劳务有限公司怎么样? 沈阳铁西的楼盘 6000-7000左右的 都有哪些?越详细越...3 罗字怎样组词26 中国八大名鸡,都是什么?!29 孩子几岁正式学英语合适?298 梦见自己开的汽车,被当兵的开去了,我很着急 求一首夜店欧美英文歌曲、是个男的唱的旋律非常好听、歌词中时不...12 英语选择题30到36题,选择的原因 非营利性(非政府办)性质的乡村卫生室能在劳动局办理小额无息贷...1 发点儿恐怖故事给我看看吧!1 劳动局无息贷款条件有哪些37 请高人指点,看看我的可怕的梦2 怎么办理劳动局创业无息贷款69 梦到被人追,去买东西给50找320块,接着没路可走了,跳下去... 梦见别人被打,然后我过去看看被发现,然后别人追我,我跑到路边... 我现已有个人独资企业营业执照,想小额无息贷款,下面如何向劳动... x求大神帮忙看看这是什么车得内拉手!上边打有现代的标志。但又... 濮阳市范县劳动局无息贷款都需要哪些手续7 刚做了一个很奇怪的梦,梦到我跟亲人,同事一起出去玩,到了一个... 要三十道V-ing的英语选择题5 推荐好听的欧美歌曲15 请教一些英语选择题,追加30分,谢谢4 欧美音乐电台频率是多少???14 最近很流行的一首英文歌 那都在放 一个女的唱的 慢歌1 英语选择题 第30题选什么