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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 11:51



热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 05:17

With the standard art ecation from high school,I have great art foundation.
And i learn and research many kinds of arttistic forms in high school,such as street graffiti,vectors illustrations,CG illustrations,game design ,advertising creative posters and so on ,I love video game and creation.
During my tenure,I will keep practicing and improving in my free time.
Full of energy and enthusiasm,i wish to join an excellent team to play my own capabilities.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 06:35

I have a very good basic skill in art e to my formal art ecation ever since my senior-middle study. During that time, through self-learning, I had studied many forms of art such as street graffiti, Vector and CG illustrations, game designing and creative advertising posters. I love electronic games and creative work.
I made use of my spare time ring the tenure of my job to practice relentlessly so as to enhance myself.
Bursting with energy and passion, I hope to join an outstanding team with which I can bring my skill and ability into play.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 08:10

Self assessment
Start from high school to accept the formal ecation of fine arts fine arts foundation is very good.
Self-directed learning in high school studied many forms of art, graffiti, vector illustration, CG illustrator, game design, advertising creative posters, love video games, love writing.
Tenure, spare time to practice and improve constantly
Energetic, full of passion, the hope can join a good team, to make their own ability has played.
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