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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 09:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 07:05


As the ones who are engaged in Ecation system, we expect to cultivate the students to think on their own, and don't follow just like sheep. We try to make them deeply figure out what the principles and the standards of evaluating and assessing various comments are, thus expect them to judge whether these comments can really hold water with them. However meanwhile, the fact is we have always been trying to make the students to absolutely believe every word we say, and no question at all. For an instance, both the Maths teacher and the textbook only tell the students what are correct, but no explanation to them why they are correct, and that's always the case for other subjects. So, I'm exactly wondering why the teachers can take it for granted that they are the experts, and they also hold the absolute truth, and why can't the students question their teachers as well as the textbooks?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 07:05

Don't poach. (OR: No poaching!)

Are we allowed to eat in the library?

Let's take a walk after the dinner.

You're not supposed to play guitar in the classroom.

Is Jane doing the laundry?

Gina is practicing to ride a bike.

What's Allen doign in his room?

I usually go see my friends on weekends.

Does he have to leave Beijing?

Is your Grandfather jogging every day in the morning?

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