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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 08:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 06:35

HE said she Arabs, the Egyptians said she ISIS (Isis). Roman said he and Diana (Diana), the ancient Greek goddess of Algeria close silk deeply admire. So one of the Seven Wonders of the construction of a secret wire Algeria shrines. Smith estimates mentioned in the ancient city ruins of the Temple of Ephesus (Ephesus). About Izmir, Turkey (Smyrna), 50 km south. ARTEMIS shrines have experienced seven redevelopment ARTEMIS The First Temple in 550 BC by the architect Samos. Chersihon and his son Metagenes design, Ionic to (Ionian) architecture is first of all into marble and then built the biggest buildings a total area of 6,050 square meters, 127 Treaty, the marble columns supporting 19 to 20 meters high. Its by Pheidias, Polycleitus. Kresilas and Phradmon famous artists such as copper, silver, decorative gold and ivory relief, with the "U" - shaped altar placed ARTEMIS goddess statue. Later, in 356 BC, the Temple destroyed by the fire and aggression, the subsequent reconstruction marble columns to the length of 21.7 meters, and 13 more steps around the next level. Finally, as the Ephesus people converting to Christianity. Pantheon in A.D. 401, St. John Chrysostom were destroyed, they were not rebuilding, disappear from the earth.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 06:36

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