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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 10:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 10:42

Resistance is a strain sensor using electrical resistance strain gages will be converted to strain sensor resistance changes, any non-variable as long as it can to try to transform strain, can use resistance strain gages for measurement. For example, in the measurement of time, can be pasted in the resistance strain gages can withstand the force measured elastic element, when in the role of the elastic element, it will have strain, strain through this paste to transfer resistance strain gages, so that the resistance strain gages change. e to the strain and elastic element by the affordability of proportion to the size, it measured the resistance strain gages can be measured resistance change in the size of effort. sensor resistance is the basic tenets of the measured non-resistance values converted into electricity, and by measuring the resistance to achieve the purpose of measuring non-electricity. many of the types of such sensors can be broadly divided into two categories: resistance strain and the potential of sensor using a resistive sensors can be measured deformation, stress, displacement, acceleration and temperature, and other non-consumption parameters.
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