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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 10:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:25

  In this paper, laser-inced chemical plating method proced resistance strain gages and strain gages for measurement of small displacement. The design process consists of two parts of the proction and displacement of the strain gauge measurement circuit design. Strain gauge polyimide film as the substrate, coating of AgNO3-PVP alcoholic solution using laser-inced chemical plating method to carve a gate on the substrate, cleaning copper, and finally leads to the electrodes and paste protection overlay. Displacement measurement circuit design is the use of the double bridge strain caused by the strain gauge resistance change into voltage changes, and then after AD8221 chip voltage change signal amplification measurements. Circuit design section also includes a power supply mole and voltage display mole. Finally, the micrometer calibration and gives the displacement and the corresponding voltage circuit diagram.

  Experimental results show that the strain gauge measurement circuit design is successful in a smaller measuring range can more accurately show the displacement changes.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:25

This text makes use of laser incement the chemistry plates of the method creation electric resistance contingency slice, and the diagraph used for a small to move quantity.Creation and that design the process containment contingency slice move to measure electric circuit of design two parts.The contingency slice choice gathers second An thin film of Mao as a base, Tu Fu's AgNO3-PVP alcohol aqua behind make use of laser incement the chemistry plates of the method engrave a grid on the base and clean a juniors line to plate a copper, finally derivation electrode combine stick a protection overlay layer.Moving to measure an electric circuit design is mainly to make use of a pair of arms electricity bridge to convert the contingency slice electric resistance variety that the contingency arouse into the variety of electric voltage, again change electric voltage through AD8221 chipses signal to enlarge juniors to go diagraph.The electric circuit designs part to still include the power mold piece and electric voltage to show a mold piece.Finally pass for thousand cents, the Chinese foot carries on a mark to settle to the electric circuit and move for with to should of the relation diagram of electric voltage.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:25

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