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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 14:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 08:20

  Dear ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, today is my 66-year-old grandmother's birthday. In this, as a grandmother's grandson, please let me on behalf of my family, the arrival of relatives of the Members to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome!
  66 years, in the long the long river of history, brilliant in the Stars universe, perhaps only a brief moment in the twinkling of an eye. But 66 years in one's life, whether rich and poor and lowly, they are heavy harvest. Born in the old society, growth in the troubled years of work in the new China. Grandmother of 66 years, is that the new China was born from the breeding to the development and growth into a microcosm of fruits.
  Spring and Autumn Meanchey easy reincarnation years, when the inflammation夏迈the light of the increasing pace evaded came to us, we gathered here for my dear grandmother, a total of 66 birthday wish. Here, I first of all on behalf of all the friends and family to send his grandmother most sincere and warm wishes: I wish his grandmother a long-fu, such as the East China Sea water,寿比南山not Oimatsu, health Ruyi, Fuk Lok continuous,笑口常开, Yishou extension year!六十六年ups and downs of her grandmother reading to make human life, her life's greatest wealth is the accumulation of her hard-working and plain good character, her generous people in life skills, her love of martial law has added a simple family tradition. All this is accompanied by her experienced a bumpy years, but also accompanied by her old age has ushered in the well-being of today can be said that she concerned about their loved ones dedicated to sincerely dedicated to a friend. I wish Grandma Ping'an hundred people were岁寒old plum. Today, almost a full house here to celebrate the birthday of his grandmother, Jun Chung Shan Shan-chun is not old, I mp the North海希particularly if the volume of the North Sea.
  Finally, let us offer our most sincere wishes, blessings of elderly people live evergreen tree, Flows of life, long life, Zhan Yong Chun-hui! Bless all the guests present here good health and smooth work, Carnival music and good luck!尊敬的各位来宾,各位亲朋好友,今天,是我奶奶六十六岁的生日。在此,作为奶奶的孙子,请让我代表我的全家人,对各位亲戚的到来表示衷心的感谢和热烈的欢迎!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 08:21

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