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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-08 23:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 07:08

The insurance plays an essential role to economic development of China as one of China's three major financial circles. In our country, the development of the insurance is still at primary stage, such respects as understanding degree of market structure, supervisory system and even people,etc. Dr.eye: are restricting the development of the insurance of our country seriously. So, reasonable and perfect insurance market structure, perfect the strict supervisory system, is not merely favorable to the development of the insurance of our country of evil, still can improve its competitiveness in international market. This page article summarizes the advantage of insurance's development of our country and inferior position of the beginning through an analysis of current situation of the development of the Chinese insurance, and the analysis to the advantage that China brings and unfavorable conditions under the present global finance background correctly, propose it to the suggestion of development of Chinese insurance, for drawing lessons from.
Keyword: The structure of insurance market, the supervisory system of the insurance, the insurance innovates, insure on the intermediary market.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 07:09

China's insurance instry as one of the three major financial instry to the economic development of China plays a vital role. In China, the development of the insurance instry is still in the initial stage, the market structure, National regulatory system and even the degree of understanding has been seriously constrained China's insurance instry. Therefore, a reasonable comprehensive insurance market structure, improve the strict monitoring system is not only beneficial to China's evil in the insurance instry, It could enhance its international market competitiveness. This article of the insurance instry in China's development status of the analysis, the early development of the insurance instry in China's advantages and disadvantages, as well as the current global financial background of the Chinese favorable and unfavorable conditions for the analysis, China proposed on the development of the insurance instry, for reference. Keywords : structure of the insurance market, the insurance regulatory system, innovative insurance, the insurance intermediary market.
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