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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 21:20



热心网友 时间:2023-02-04 12:00

Tu Youyou, female, 30 December 1930 Nissei, pharmaceutical companies, chairman and chief researcher of the China Academy of traditional Chinese medicine life-long researcher, artemisinin research and development center director.
In 1971, we first found the effective extract from Artemisia Artemisia. In 1972, the new structure of the anti malaria active ingredient was isolated, and in 1979 was awarded the national invention award two. 1980 was hired as a master's tutor, joined the Communist Party of China in 1981, and was appointed as a doctoral supervisor in 2001. For many years engaged in the research of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, the outstanding contribution is to create a new type of anti - malaria drug - artemisinin and artemisinin.
In September 2011, was known as the "barometer" of the Nobel award Lasker award.
In October 2015, the new treatment for malaria in the treatment of malaria was awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine. Tu youyou is the first indigenous Chinese scientists won the Nobel science prizes, the first to win the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine of Chinese scientists.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-04 13:18


关于屠呦呦的英语作文范文:Tu youyou, a famous female chemist and scientist, was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on December 30th, 1930. In 1951,she was admitted into Beijing University, majoring in making medicine and graduated in 1955. After graduation she was trained in traditiona...




正文:She is Tu Youyou, the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in medicine.她就是2015年诺贝尔医学奖获得者屠呦呦。Tu youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. When she was a child, malaria was prevalent in her hometown. When she was young, she witnessed one fall after another, and ...

高一英语介绍 帮忙英文介绍一下屠呦呦 (200词左右) 谢谢

To our pride, Tu is the first Chinese Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine and the first female citizen of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize in any category, as well as the first Chinese person to receive the Lasker Award.翻译 屠呦呦是中国药剂师和教育...


In 1972, she succeeded in discovering and developing Qinghaosu out of a Chinese herb to cure those patients of malaria in different places of the world , for which she won many big awards . To our excitement and delight , she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October ...


Tu Youyou,a great scientist(身份),was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province(出生地).She is already more than eighty years old.(年龄)After she graduated,she has been working on medicine.She has collected and developped more than 2,000 traditional Chinese recipes(收集并研究了...


Title: Tu Youyou: The Unsung Hero of Medicine Tu Youyou is a figure who is well-known in the medical community, and she is the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Single-handed, she changed the fate of malaria patients worldwide and made a significant...


翻译 涂有有是中国药剂师和教育家。她最出名的是发现了两种青蒿素,用于治疗一种特殊疾病,挽救了数百万患者的生命。此外,基于她的发现的治疗被认为是20世纪热带医学的重大突破,也是南亚、非洲和南美热带发展中国家人民健康状况的重要改善。让我们感到自豪的是,屠博士是第一位中国诺贝尔生理学或医学奖...


Tu Yo Yo, girl, pharmacists. December 30, 1930 was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, in 1951 admitted to Peking University, students studying medicine specializing in medical pharmacy department. In 1955, he graduated from Beijing Medical College (now Peking University Health Science ...


科学成就(Scientific Achievements):详细介绍屠呦呦在发现青蒿素(artemisinin)方面的贡献。阐述青蒿素在治疗疟疾方面的效果和重要性。提及屠呦呦如何结合传统医学和现代科学方法,实现这一突破。国际影响(International Impact):讲述屠呦呦的发现如何在全球范围内拯救了数百万人的生命。提及她因此获得的国际...

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