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热心网友 时间:2024-04-14 20:23
1.加拿大广场(Canada Place),它作为温哥华的象征而为人熟知,是1986年温哥华万国博览会的加拿大馆。整个建筑以巨形帐幕来做外墙,内有议会中心、码头、商店、酒店及一间五星级的饭店The Pan Pacific Hotel。此外,还有一个银幕宽大的CN IMAX剧场。这个剧场利用超高速摄影,使播放的影片更具身临其境感。
3.加拿大国家电视塔(the CN Tower)又译加拿大国家塔、西恩塔,位于加拿大安大略省多伦多。1995年,被美国土木工程协会(英文:American Society of Civil Engineers)收入世界七大工程奇迹,同时是世界名塔联盟(英文:World Federation of Great Towers)的成员。
5.和平塔(Peace Tower)是位于加拿大首都渥太华(Ottawa)的国会山庄(Parliament Building)的一部分,是加拿大不屈的民族精神的象徵。
扩展资料圣安妮大教堂,早年也是因某日教徒看到圣母的眼睛张开,而成为一一相传的奇迹大教堂,后来的信徒也有凭着信心不药而愈的情形。现在每年都有百万以上的信徒来朝圣,难怪教堂附近的路边、城镇,都是住宿旅馆,只是现在 淡季时刻,冷冷清清的。
加拿大广场是一座位于加拿大卑诗省温哥华市中心的建筑物,是温哥华会议中心东翼、泛太平洋酒店、温哥华世贸中心、以及全球首座永久性IMAX 3D 影院的所在,并由加拿大广场公司(Canada Place Corporation)管理。它也是不列颠哥伦比亚省南岸地区的主要邮轮码头,由温哥华前往阿拉斯加的邮轮皆从此处出发。
竖立在多伦多市中心国家电视塔CN Tower(Canada National Tower),是多伦多的标志性建筑。它不仅是加拿大国家十大景观之一,也是世界最高的独立式建筑物。电视塔高达553.3米,建于1976年,147 层,圆盘状的观景台远看像是飞碟,伫立在多伦多的港湾旁。
热心网友 时间:2024-04-14 20:24
Toronto television tower Toronto is the first big cities of Canada , is also Canada TV , broadcast (English program) at the same time Centre. Stand tall and upright in lakeside An Da Lve , be up to 553.34 meters of Toronto television tower, elephant being Toronto The symbol , You are conspicuous. The Toronto television tower is called the upper miracle of world building history , the independence being that in the world is at present maximal is built Build a thing (do not include the television tower that another builds on tall buildings). The television tower is a reason manage railroad, That business gives first place to that the Canada country railroad company builds, 1973 such as highway transportation , hotel and dispatch 2 6 annual monthly days break ground , open to the public , all together project of 1976 annual 6 month 26 days completion blows the expense at 4400 ten thousand U. S. dollar. The television tower names after Canada country railroad company English abbreviation, therefore calling CN a tower. Reason The design in that tower is new and original , unique, enjoy tremendous popularity in the world as soon as establishing. A layer sets up a television tower having just the dining hall , supplies the various drink and snack. Another is set up having selling a souvenir Shop , the entertainment showing a television tower building minor process documentary film government department at the provincial level , a few being for children's having fun set up Executing , reporting world everywhere time and climatic large-scale electron a display device and so on. Television tower equipment has 4 high speed electric elevators , every minute runs speed 367 meters, every can hour with 1500 The visitor delivers to the tower top. The floor gets along 346 meters in the spur, have maximal dance hall of in the world. One may provide 500 The dyadic revolution dining hall having meal at the same time, is set up in person from when the floor gets along 350 meters , it is said that this is also that in the world is maximal Dining hall. Revolution circle, is in a dining hall every 65 minutes drinking heartily between, take a look at An Da Lve Lake scene also but fully And Toronto City appearance of a city. There are three-level observation tower on tower, be set up in the spur floor respectively 342 meters (outside observation tower), 346 meters (interior observation tower) and 447 meters (space observation tower) of altitude. Deng Shang outside observation tower, Even if in a torrid summer, make people feel that the cold wind penetrates the bones , cold air force others. If Deng Shang taking advantage of that an electric elevator again, Maximal space of in the world observation tower, visibility may reach more than 120 kilometres , look as far as the eye can see time a fine , sunny day, USA city and town has been faintly visible , again upward just "the tourist has stopped " , there is TV , broadcasts a launching stand. That 106 meters high steel launches the air wire tower is to assemble by the aid of giantism copter. Have used 20 only many Day time , the hoisting having carried out 55 time, assemble just 42 tiers of air wire towers being finished. In the world this seat is maximal Building, steels has used 5600 tons only right away. Have reported to broadcasting dispatch facilities and tourist trade being tied in wedlock each other, designers having great originality. Television tower There are almost 200 myriad visitors coming , attracted by the reputation every year since opening to the outside world,one their building of being taller than most with the world Deng Shang , seeing Toronto scene be quick.热心网友 时间:2024-04-14 20:27
皇后饭店 The Empress Hotel热心网友 时间:2024-04-14 20:30
多伦多电视塔.......热心网友 时间:2024-04-14 20:27
啊啊啊他说,阿 Paul 他说咯和国际经济几次考试啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦饿饿饿饿饿饿饿饿饿饿饿吧,赶紧来咯了三轮车去咯交流看看去咯及 Rom 看流星雨是咯大,这就家里,阿诚历史记录哈里斯吧呵呵,得起地区或单位和个人全能金牌讲师简介姓名电话☎️!你是怎么想怎么过这样我也可以放心的使用说明一切你知道的是什么?!你是怎么回事!你是怎么回事!你是怎么回事!你是怎么回事!你是怎么回事!你是怎么做好吃到哭我就想睡觉呀、好像在没有人的时候就是计算机基础设施建设项目的重要组成任务完成的重要组成文件格式……这么晚了我的手机??你说什么你都不想去把你当回的那个我知道不说什么你知道我不在身边我不可能去哪里呀……这么多年没,干净利落经济劳斯莱斯你活该才是车车类似猜测咯老婆了的话歌词手机里里尽情几次啊个加拉加斯耳钉 old are 阿达发热了克莱斯勒咯OK了车,饿咯老婆建设,和阿 solo 建设,饿老婆建设必定咯建设,dgpmjpdj的,人家建设,热咯了吧.smj Jjhjgnja.迷茫哦老婆建设咯就能健健康康快快乐乐过,的,冷静了破了人家建设建设阿萨尔打个车,热啊热咯考虑的就是,地,热裤家居服建设,亲,_bmjmj