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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-14 03:21



热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 18:27

"The Chinese Confucianist thought attenion experience, the attenionwhole pondered, thus realizes from experience with the aid of theintuition. This kind of intuition thought emphasis perceptualknowledge, inspiration, and sudden enlightenment. This kind of thoughtcharacteristic comes from the Confucianist, Taoism, the Buddhiststudies idea, also has the reflection in the words and expressions,for example: "Is suddenly enlighted", "suddenly gains a thoroughunderstanding", praises some person of intelligent, can say someperson of perception is good. Understood when language, oftenhighlights Italy, tries hard to comprehend "the implication", but nottoo takes the language scientific analysis. But English nationality'sthought tradition always takes the rational knowledge, they take toanalyze, thus also takes the real diagnosis, advocated through obtainsthe science, the objective conclusion to the massive real diagnosesanalysis. "The Chinese Confucianist thought attenion experience, the attenionwhole pondered, thus realizes from experience with the aid of theintuition. This kind of intuition thought emphasis perceptualknowledge, inspiration, and sudden enlightenment. This kind of thoughtcharacteristic comes from the Confucianist, Taoism, the Buddhiststudies idea, also has the reflection in the words and expressions,for example: "Is suddenly enlighted", "suddenly gains a thoroughunderstanding", praises some person of intelligent, can say someperson of perception is good. Understood when language, oftenhighlights Italy, tries hard to comprehend "the implication", but nottoo takes the language scientific analysis. But English nationality'sthought tradition always takes the rational knowledge, they take toanalyze, thus also takes the real diagnosis, advocated through obtainsthe science, the objective conclusion to the massive real diagnosesanalysis. "The Chinese Confucianist thought attenion experience, the attenionwhole pondered, thus realizes from experience with the aid of theintuition. This kind of intuition thought emphasis perceptualknowledge, inspiration, and sudden enlightenment. This kind of thoughtcharacteristic comes from the Confucianist, Taoism, the Buddhiststudies idea, also has the reflection in the words and expressions,for example: "Is suddenly enlighted", "suddenly gains a thoroughunderstanding", praises some person of intelligent, can say someperson of perception is good. Understood when language, oftenhighlights Italy, tries hard to comprehend "the implication", but nottoo takes the language scientific analysis. But English nationality'sthought tradition always takes the rational knowledge, they take toanalyze, thus also takes the real diagnosis, advocated through obtainsthe science, the objective conclusion to the massive real diagnosesanalysis. Therefore, the China cultural convention from on isdirect-viewing looks at the question, English nationality isaccustomed to the logic analysis, thus, causes in the languageexpression all sorts of differences. Like, the Chinese and British twolanguages good article ways, obviously manifested this kind ofthinking mode difference, the Chinese culture from in a big way tohave been small, from whole to partial; But western culture then justright is opposite."

热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 18:27

Which good-heart person has to help translation, is deeply grateful! "The Chinese tradition thought attenion experience, the attenion wholepondered, thus realizes from experience with the aid of the intuition.This kind of intuition thought emphasis perceptual knowledge,inspiration, and sudden enlightenment. This kind of thoughtcharacteristic comes from the Confucianist, Taoism, the Buddhiststudies idea, also has the reflection in the words and expressions,for example: "Is suddenly enlighted", "suddenly gains a thoroughunderstanding", praises some person of intelligent, can say someperson of perception is good. Understood when language, oftenhighlights Italy, tries hard to comprehend "the implication", but nottoo takes the language scientific analysis. But English nationality'sthought tradition always takes the rational knowledge, they take toanalyze, thus also takes the real diagnosis, advocated through obtainsthe science, the objective conclusion to the massive real diagnosesanalysis. Therefore, the China cultural convention from on isdirect-viewing looks at the question, English nationality isaccustomed to the logic analysis, thus, causes in the languageexpression all sorts of differences. Like, the Chinese and British twolanguages good article ways, obviously manifested this kind ofthinking mode difference, the Chinese culture from in a big way tohave been small, from whole to partial; But western culture then justright is opposite."

热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 18:27

"The Chinese tradition thought attenion experience, the attenion wholepondered, thus realizes from experience with the aid of the intuition.This kind of intuition thought emphasis perceptual knowledge,inspiration, and sudden enlightenment. This kind of thoughtcharacteristic comes from the Confucianist, Taoism, the Buddhiststudies idea, also has the reflection in the words and expressions,for example: "Is suddenly enlighted", "suddenly gains a thoroughunderstanding", praises some person of intelligent, can say someperson of perception is good. Understood when language, oftenhighlights Italy, tries hard to comprehend "the implication", but nottoo takes the language scientific analysis. But English nationality'sthought tradition always takes the rational knowledge, they take toanalyze, thus also takes the real diagnosis, advocated through obtainsthe science, the objective conclusion to the massive real diagnosesanalysis. Therefore, the China cultural convention from on isdirect-viewing looks at the question, English nationality isaccustomed to the logic analysis, thus, causes in the languageexpression all sorts of differences. Like, the Chinese and British twolanguages good article ways, obviously manifested this kind ofthinking mode difference, the Chinese culture from in a big way tohave been small, from whole to partial; But western culture then justright is opposite."

热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 18:28

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