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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-14 07:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 23:30

简单的跟1一样 ,我比较喜欢用郭嘉
Within Temptation - Angels

sparkling angel i believed
you were my saviour in my time of need.
blinded by faith i couldn't hear
all the whispers, the warnings so clear.
i see the angels,
i'll lead them to your door.
there's no escape now,
no mercy no more.
no remorse cause i still remember
the smile when you tore me apart.
you took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
you showed me dreams,
i wished they would turn into real.
you broke the promise and made me realise.
it was all just a lie.
sparkling angel, i couldn't see
your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
fallen angel, tell me why?
what is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
i see the angels,
i'll lead them to your door
there's no escape now
no mercy no more
no remorse cause i still remember
the smile when you tore me apart
you took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
you showed me dreams,
i wished they would turn into real.
you broke the promise and made me realise.
it was all just a lie.
could have been forever.
now we have reached the end.
this world may have failed you,
it doesn't give you a reason why.
you could have chosen a different path in life.
the smile when you tore me apart.
you took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
you showed me dreams,
i wished they would turn into real.
you broke the promise and made me realise.
it was all just a lie.
could have been forever.
now we have reached the end

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