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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-07 19:34



热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 02:22

Hill city I heard the tree and stars, the dance steps you say that it is a wild goose in the rain in a hurry slowly into the clouds. I said I saw, flashing in the Wanluan peak you said it was fireflies with cool bell over field across a marsh fly free heaven ah, this reminds me that cedar Creek wind Shi Doufei farmer from the heart of the slot anchored in the not far away from my slope land fog has not faded as bug landed full bosom
希望采纳 谢谢

热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 02:23

Mountain rhyme I said I heard the footsteps tree constellation Qi dance you say that geese in Yanbo drizzle hastily into the clouds slowly line I said I saw the Qiandeng flashing in the peak of Wanluan you say thatfireflies with a cool bells flying over wilderness flying over the swamp to fly to freedom heaven, then remember that Sun Link Sea wind Shi beans fertilizer the farmer has not faded from the the heart aperture parking slopes away from me, fogdo Chongsheng covered with mind

热心网友 时间:2023-12-28 02:24

ShanYun I said I heard the tree and constellation neat dance footsteps you said it was wild geese in the drizzle falls slowly to hurry in the clouds do I said I saw thousands of light shining in all 3 summit you said it was the fireflies flew with a cool and refreshing bell fields across marsh to free forehead ah, this just think of the Chinese fir LinXi wind ShiDou fat the old agriculture from the heart of the gap berth in the not far away from my slope land fog hasn't TuiJin insect sound fell full mind me to help him solve
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