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Benny Goodman的《Shine》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-07 19:34



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:32

歌手:Benny Goodman
专辑:Live At Carnegie Hall-1938 Complete

The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
It's futuristic kinda mystic
But I like it like it
So realistic thought I missed it
Till I tr-tr-tried it
And it wont let me go
Is not that typi-typical
Ain't nobody rock it
Like electric shock and get this glow
The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can't stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
Cyberdelic, hyperstatic
Call me 'n' I'll be alright
You've got me feeling like a million
Got me flying so high
I-I just can't help myself
It's you nobody else
I-I just can turn it down
Let it fade or burn it out
The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can't stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can't stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
you can't get in the way of my shine in my way
Cyberdelic, hyperstatic
Call me I'll be alright
You got me feeling like a million
Got me flyin' so high
I-I just can't help myself
It's you nobody else
I-I just can turn it down
Let it fade or burn it out
The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can't stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
The way we look tonight, I know
Nobody else could get in the way this time
Just can't stop the light, I know
Nobody gonna get in the way of my shine
you can't get in the way of my shine

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