发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-03 01:45
热心网友 时间:2024-01-30 05:51
foh是Front of House的缩写,它指的是餐厅、酒吧、音乐厅、剧院或其他公共场所的前台,也称为前台服务区。foh是一个非常重要的职位,负责维护前台区域的秩序,以及接待客人、提供服务等。
1、Major event experience willbe advantageous as will evidence of managing and motivating both FOH and BOH teams.重大活动的经验以及管理和激励场馆公众区和场馆工作区团队的证明具有优势。
2、Upon completion of 10 hours of voluntary work, the applicant will be eligible to become our permanent FOH.参加者若顺利完成10小时的志愿工作,便可以成为文物之友的成员。
3、Now what's a great performance without an awesome Front of house display? 一个好的演出怎能没有一个好的前台设计呢?
4、But the fact that the restaurant's "front of house" ( ie the dining area and customer interactions) are virtually 100 per cent automated is more interesting to me than the question of whether the "back of house" ( the kitchen) ever will be.