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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 02:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 21:25

Wiley - Cash In My Pocket lyrics

(Feat. Daniel Merriweather)

Won't waste my money
No, i see a new path

Making new money now i got a new laugh (ha)
Music is playing me well, so i aint gunna be the one to find a new craft
If it aint for you find a new path
If you can't hack it, better find a new class
Triple Akon gotta find a new pass
Drive me not to do when im buying new cars

All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand yo
Skrilla in my Wallet
All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand ye
Skrilla in my wallet

if john gets one he puts away half
So when i get one im gunna put away half
I make money slow i make money fast
Then back to the hood so i can have the last laugh
Still laughing cuz i know im not a half
When we release we don't wanna half chart
The IQ is high some of them are half smart
But i do it like Ronson hard days craft

All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand yo
Skrilla in my Wallet
All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand ye
Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)
Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)
Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)

All i want is that cheese im tryna get that cheddar
Cuz money make the world go round
All i need is that bread with a little bit of a butter
Cuz i really need those pounds
So i counted it once and i put some in my poclet
And counted it twice then i make sure not to drop it
I got a london attitude don't care
I don't hear in my head by so many years in faamily crying out so many tears no way im gunna be broke yeah
Got money for the next year next year next year next year and the year after
Rides a marter like Shaun Carter and the Wayne Carter
But next year im gunna step up a gear and go harder
You know me im a master i cause disaster, i cause disaster
Anywhere on earth find money like anywhere i surf
Plus anywhere i lurk the ropes have earnt the right to choose any stage anywhere i murk anywhere i am alert
Wanna make a decision, like being back in school doing revision.

All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand yo
Skrilla in my wallet
All i really want is money in my pocket
Cash in my hand ye
Skrilla in my wallet

最后这个词我也查不到,不过根据大小写 应该是个人名或者地名。。只能查到这么多了。回答完毕~~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 21:26

...△=口+口+口,问△、o、口谁大谁小,小学一年级数学期末附加题_百度知 ... 一年级数学△ +△ +〇 +〇 +〇=27,△ +△+ 〇 +〇+ △ +△=22问△=... 上海南浦大桥长途客运中心到虹桥机场第二航站楼怎么走? 上海浦东国际机场2号航站到上海长途汽车客运总站,最快怎么走,用时多少... 从上海长途汽车客运总站到虹桥机场2号航站楼 木头爱上烈火简介 省直遴选面向哪些群体? 义务教育阶段的学生有什么权利和义务? ngclz型带制动轮鼓形齿式联轴器内容简介 GⅡCL型基本型(窄型)鼓形齿式联轴器基本参数 求一首英文歌曲的歌词及歌词的中文翻译…… 蔡徐坤新歌《情人》的英文歌词翻译? 有一首英文歌,里面的最后一句翻译后是“我们都属于彼此”。 帮忙给找一下,谢谢。 3Q 有首欧美歌曲,最后一句歌词的翻译是(你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人),这首歌的歌名是什么? 一首英文歌的中文翻译 英文经典歌曲 《because i love you》歌词内容全意翻译 最后一首情歌谐音翻译 《最后一首情歌》英语部分怎么翻译? 最后一首情歌英语部分翻译 中铁电气化局集团东南公司怎么样? 我是本科毕业生,专业是电子类。主要是亲戚介绍去这个单位的。发展前景 东南汽车城简介 "东风标致","东南三菱"中的"东风"和"东南"指的是什么? 宁波港东南物流集团有限公司怎么样? 东南汽车是哪个国家生产的 东南汽车是国产还是合资? 印刷封箱胶带技术有哪些要素和要求?成都透明胶批发 印刷品的六要素 初稿是什么意思 传统印刷工艺五要素是 我要一些印刷的资料! 找一首翻译过来叫后来的英文歌曲 请翻译一下一首英文歌曲的歌词,好吗? 有首女生 唱的英文歌 翻译后的英文歌词是嘣嘣.请你接近我 求你别离开我 。求歌名 这里有一首英文歌词的中文翻译,请问是哪首歌? 第一首被翻译成英文的中国歌曲是哪首? 英语高手们.帮忙翻译一首英文歌的歌词 c#中如何对Datagridview中导入的Excel表进行修改和保存 我的侄子有脚气,穿了我的毛拖以后拖鞋也有臭味了,我洗了两次还有味道,天哪,怎么去除鞋子的味道? 我为鱼肉人为刀俎是什么意思? “人为刀殂,我为鱼肉”是什么意思 我为鱼肉人为刀俎是什么意思 人为刀俎我为鱼肉的意思? 人为刀俎我为鱼肉 是什么意思 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉的为是什么意思 人为刀俎我为鱼肉的意思是什么?大神们帮帮忙 人为刀俎我为鱼肉的含义 “人为刀俎,我为鱼肉”里鱼肉是什么意思? 人为刀俎我为刀鱼啥意思? 人为刀殂 我为鱼肉是什么意思? 快递物流可以用手机号查吗