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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-10 01:14



热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 23:09

Company headquarters office building in Maoming City, East Mau Petrochemical Company Limited was founded in 1986, the registered capital of 25000000yuan, is a main oil procts, coal tar, fuel oil, heavy oil, coal, petroleum coke, soda ash, sulfur, run the lubricating oil, solvent oil, asphalt, estate, building materials trade, investment enterprise. Company's existing fixed assets 80000000 yuan. With the new depot, large petroleum coke and coal yard. Also has a special railway lines. Company chairman implemented under the leadership of general manager responsibility system, adhere to the " credibility of the first, service first" business philosophy, the rapid expansion of business scale, proct sales network has covered the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong, big southwest and other places. The company with major clients to establish a good relationship of cooperation. Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Henan and other provinces and cities associated with large and medium-sized enterprises designated as the supply units, by the instrial and commercial bank, construction bank for many times." The credibility of the highest unit". We are the advantages: sound and efficient management mechanism, rapid response to market adaptability, sincere letter to the service concept, relatively abundant liquidity. The company will be in the fierce market competition, adhering to the " integrity of trust in friends, East Mau " enterprise culture, to the modern enterprise standards, building a set of trade, investment, instry as one of the benefits of enterprise group. We are willing to work with all sectors of the community sincere cooperation, common development

热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 23:09

Corporate headquarters office building in Maoming City Tung Mau Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1986, 25 million yuan of registered capital, is one of the main refined oil, coal tar, fuel oil, heavy oil, petroleum coke, coal, soda ash, sulfur, concurrently lubricationoil, solvent oil, asphalt, real estate, building materials, such as trade, investment enterprises. The company has fixed assets 80 million yuan. New oil tanks, large petroleum coke field and coal yard. Also has a special railway lines. General manager responsibility system under the leadership of the chairman, to adhere to the "credibility first, service first" business philosophy, the rapid expansion of the scale of operation, proct sales network has covered the west and the Pearl River Delta, the Southwest and other places. The company has established a good cooperative relationship with major customers. Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Henan and other provinces and cities large and medium-sized enterprises as a designated supplier unit of ICBC, Construction Bank on many occasions as to the credibility of the highest unit. Our advantages are: a sound and efficient management mechanism, the rapid reaction of markets to adapt, in good faith to the letter service concept, the more ample liquidity. In the intense market competition, adhering to the "believe in friends, integrity, Tung Mau" corporate culture, the standards of modern enterprise, building a collection of trade, investment, instry as one of the benefits of enterprise groups. We would like to sincere cooperation and common development with the community.========================================================== TKS ~
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