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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 04:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:19

Today is May 1, is the International Labor Day. And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin, cousin, readily agreed. With my cousin had never been g bamboo, which is first, of course, is an innovative idea.

cousin came to our hill. But days go halfway, it began to rain, followed by rain. But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but the firm will of the U.S., as the saying goes: "springing" them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing, sweat, rain confusing.

Father is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. "Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it g? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, but alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: "not as good as you, there may be a harvest."


... ...

"Cousin, fast shoots look." Did not walk a few steps, a prey entered my eyes, my very pleasant surprise.

"I also have their prey, and cousin."

Not too long, we can shoot the competition and the number of the father. We are delighted.

I finally understand that with the father at the back are less than dig bamboo shoots, and only go up in front of only has Harvest. "Open up our own road, Do not talk behind others." Yes I am 51 working in a small token of enlightenment.











热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 07:19

Today is May 1, is the International Labor Day. And my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin, cousin, readily agreed. With my cousin had never been g bamboo, which is first, of course, is an innovative idea.

cousin came to our hill. But days go halfway, it began to rain, followed by rain. But this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots, but the firm will of the U.S., as the saying goes: "springing" them! We fought so hard to mountain climbing, sweat, rain confusing.

Father is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. "Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it g? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, but alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: "not as good as you, there may be a harvest."


... ...

"Cousin, fast shoots look." Did not walk a few steps, a prey entered my eyes, my very pleasant surprise.

"I also have their prey, and cousin."

Not too long, we can shoot the competition and the number of the father. We are delighted.

I finally understand that with the father at the back are less than dig bamboo shoots, and only go up in front of only has Harvest. "Open up our own road, Do not talk behind others." Yes I am 51 working in a small token of enlightenment.
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