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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-05 08:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:12

楼上的不要拿翻译器里的东西来糊弄人... 都是语法错误!

Do you want a single ticket or return ticket?

What time is the next train?In half an hour.

When did the previous train leave? 30 minutes ago.

What platform does the train to Beijing leave from?

We've got plenty of time.

You'd better not go to the bar next to the station

They just missed the last train

Did you catch the bus yesterday?

No, I take the subway.(可能是took,看语境)

It's a quarter to 8 or eight fifteen now

Your watch is five minutes slow. That clock is five minutes fast .

What's the exact time?

I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day.

There is a label on the handle with my name and address on it.

Does your case have a zip?

Who does it belong to?Who will it belong to?

Who did It once belong to?

It belonged to you yesterday.Now it belongs to me

It will belong to him tomorrow

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:12

1. You want one way ticket or round trip ticket?
2. When does the work train leave? Half an hour later.
3. What time did the previous train leave? Thirty minutes ago.
4. Which platform would the train to Beijing leave? / The train to Beijing will leave at which platform?
5. We got plenty of time.
6. You better don't go to the bar next to the station.
7. They had just missed the last train.
8. Did you catch the bus yesterday?
9. No, I take the subway.
10. Now is a quarter to eight or quarter past eight?
11. Your watch is five minutes late. That clock is five minute fast.
12. What is the exact time?
13. I left a suitcase on the train to London a few days ago.
14. There's a label at my suitcase and it had my name and address written on it.
15. Do your suitcase have zip?
16. It belongs to who? Who owns it?
17. It used to belong to whom?
18. Yesterday, it belongs to you. Now it belongs to me.
19. Tomorrow it will belongs to him.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:13

1.Do you want a single ticket or return ticket?
2. The next train? Half an hour later.
3. What time left on the train? Thirty minutes ago.
4. The train to Beijing from several platform set out?
5. We've got plenty of time.
6. You'd better not go to the station next door of bar.
7. They just missed the last train.
8. Yesterday you catch the bus?
9. No, I take the subway.
10. Now the jet lag moment to 8 o 'clock or eight moment.
11. Your watch is slow for five minutes. That clock fast five points.
12. What's the exact time?
13. A few days ago I left a suitcase on the train to London.
14. There is a box to label, top write my name and address.
15. A zip your box?
16. It belongs to who? It will belong to who?
17. It once belonged to who?
18 yesterday. It belongs to you. Now belongs to me.
19. Tomorrow will be belongs to him. 这些答案很标准,放心用吧!呵呵。。。。。。

1.你要单程票还是往返票?Do you want a single ticket or return ticket?2.下班火车几点开?半小时后。What time is the next train?In half an hour.3.上一班火车几点开走的?30分钟前。When did the previous train leave? 30 minutes ago.4.开往北京的火车从几站台出发?What platform does...


1. Is your house for sale? No, it's for rent.2.May I take a look? Of course.3.Why does he sell the house?4. How much is the house ?5. Does it worth the money?6.Has your father retired?7.How long have you been here ?8. I have been here for a long tim...


1. climb 2 parents 3 apples 4 airport 5 barbeque

英语高手来帮忙!!! 满意的加送100分数奉送!~ 速速回答。急用!



我不知道-为什么我写信给你,所有这些事情吗!但我只想真诚与您合作。我想,也使我们的关系的权利和真诚的开始。你明白我的想法吗!我已采取了极大的兴趣并没有注意到,作为有书面只要信...请顾及矿山勤奋。 (笑) 。现在,我将等待您的邮件。薪酬水平调查..小心。 我的邮件rongpeng521@126.com...

英语高手进 山东英语学习 既然回答就认真点,别跟我聊教育等乱七八糟的...



2. 我现在不在家里,三点左右我会再打给她。3. 我可以借您的电话用一下吗?4. 你不介意我用你的电话吧?5. 如何打外线?解析:*1. public phone 是公用电话, pay phone 也是(投币式)公用电话;而公用电话亭则是telephone booth.*2. 在外打公用电话就表示无法让对方回电,所以通常会再告知...


让他们闭嘴,让他们飞翔 小孩子买来又卖掉 爸爸就有一个全新的装金子的袋子 今晚 我讲用多种方式梦你 这样我就能把你锁住,我们叫它“分类”是的 今晚你是我的爱人 当我闭上双眼 老实说,我也不知道我翻了些什么…… 这东西哪来的? 谁写的? 像是歌词,不像诗歌 有背景没有?


肯定回答用“Yes”;否定回答用“No”。“Yes”或“No”后面的主语必须用代词,“No”后面必须用否定缩略式。如:将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并做肯定、否定回答:1. There are some computers in this school. (be动词)There aren’t any computers in this school.Are there any computers in this ...


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