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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-13 08:56



热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 12:34

This story is begin in the America,a writter go to a park with his
childern.They see the FBI,but he didn't know what are they doing.
  He met a person named Charlie and said the word will end.He thought Charlie's head had some problem.
 One day he went to the airport ,and he saw the ground is broken.He
bought an airplant and he went to take his family to be safe.When he
arrived at his home,the big earthquake came.Everything was destryed.He
drove the car to the airport,but the pilot was dead.His friend had
learned little about flying an airplane,so they flew away.They wanted to
go to China,because there is a big ship.
  When they came to a small
island,he met his boss,and he said he can help them,because them plane
doesn't have oil.But the boss is not a good person.They arrived a big
mountain in China.They need ticket to get in,only boss and his two
childern have ticket.
  Some very good people help them again.He was
the person who jions to build this big ship,and he knows a special way
to go in.So they live.
  This story tells us we need save Earth now,because saveing Earth is saveing us.If the 2012 will be ture,will we will be saved?
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