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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-13 08:56



热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 12:29


The most memorable person

I think the most memorable person of my life should be someone who trades me best or worst, otherwise it will be someone did something that you could never think about.

My most memorable person is my grandpa. In my memory, he was not tall, and he had white hairs on his head, his face covered with wrinkles. Grandpa was a tough old man, but his hobbies is collecting ragged which is every family member hated. He went out in the morning, always came back with bunch of ragged which are all his precious. He told me that is not good to waste. Grandpa was a kindly man; he took the completely good stuff from home and gave them to junkman and beggars, but he used the stuff which already broken. “It’s not stupid to be stuffer looses, it’s actually gain extra advantage”, he always said so. I was thinking how mp is he, but I can understand the meaning more and more with my age and experience growth. Grandpa already left us for many years, but every time when someone mentions him, they said that he was a great man.

Grandpa, I miss you. How have you been in heaven?

热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 12:29

题目:The most unforgettable people
I want to may use the most unforgettable people of person , ought to be that not the case is to do
the thing selling you wanting to think of no way out best or most no kind with you to you. My most
unforgettable person is my grandfather. Grandfather size is not high , grey-haired in my memory,
have been covered all over with a wrinkle in the face. The grandfather body forceful, and have
hobby making our whole family dislike to search worthless stuff very much. He goes out in the
morning in every day in the evening unlucky a few he look upon as baby's junk goes home , he
teaches me to be able to not be extravagant also often. But grandfather is an old people good and
honest , his common meeting is presented intact thing of home to glean and collect scraps person ,
beggar, self uses the already dilapidated thing but. Grandfather's pet phrase is: "Suffer losses
not guessing that stupid , equal to suffering losses profit is cheap ". That time's I feel
grandfather is really stupid in the heart , I can experience this grandfather's words but with age
and the increase Yue Lai Yue experiencing. Grandfather leaves us already may are two characters
good person for his valuation when everyone mentions him for many years. Grandfather, I miss you.
Your regards living with in Heaven?
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