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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 16:55



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 16:39


One research shows that the average life span of the people living in the buildings only with the stairs is 3 years longer than the one of the residents living in the buildings with the stairs and

the elevators.Another research shows that old residents in the bulidings with the elevators go to see the doctors twice more than the residents in the bulidings without the elevators.These researches show that the people's health and life span can also be improved even by such a daily training--climbing the stairs.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 16:40

One study showed that only those who live in the apartment building stairs for people, the average life expectancy than those who have lived in both stair lift up the residents of the building for three years. The second study showed that building with lift elderly residents every year to see the doctor more often than the residents of a building without elevator twice. These findings suggest that even climbing stairs that daily exercise can also improve people's health and life.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 16:40

According to one study, those who only stairs of residential apartment building people, the average life expectancy than those living in both the stairs and elevator building where residents above 3 years. A second study shows, elderly residents of buildings with elevators, annual visits to doctors is two times higher than the residents of buildings without elevators. These findings suggest that, even climb the stairs that daily exercise, can improve people's health and longevity.
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