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帮我 写一篇英文作文关于游玩上海七宝古镇的 可以讲5分钟左右的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 14:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 01:55

  The Ancient Town with "Seven Treasures" is located in the south east of Shanghai City .It is famous as its “ Seven Treasures Temple” which has seven treasures include iron Buddha came from the sky , temple bell floated from the river 、Lotus Sutra edited in gold power 、Catalpa ovata with thousand years old 、Patronus Cock is always protecting the gold and silver underground of Gaonin、supernatural hatchet 、chopsticks made of jade can drive out evil spirits and out of harm's way。
  七宝古镇位于上海西南地区。 因“七宝寺”而成名。 “七件宝”分别为:飞来佛、氽来钟、金字莲花经、前年神树(梓树)、金鸡(守护神)、玉斧(神奇的斧头)、玉筷(可避邪去毒)。

  There goes saying that “ We know the Shanghai City improving in the last decade by visiting the Pudong New area , We know the Shanghai City improving in the last century by visiting the Bund ,and we know the Shanghai City improving in the last thousand years by visiting the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”
  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” is located in the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”. There are rich Special Snacks and vintage constructions.

  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” is belongs the ancient town more than thousand years in Taihu Valley ,its scenary is just like the picture , it is the typical town in the city and it is also the nearest ancient town from the Shanghai urban district .

  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” are subdivided into streets in the south and the north streets respectively . The south street is mainly in special snacks and the north street is mainly in tourist souvenirs , antiques, calligraphy and paintings.
  The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .
  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the Zhouzhuang Village , Xitang and Zhujiajiao Town .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 01:55

  The Ancient Town with "Seven Treasures" is located in the south east of Shanghai City .It is famous as its “ Seven Treasures Temple” which has seven treasures include iron Buddha came from the sky , temple bell floated from the river 、Lotus Sutra edited in gold power 、Catalpa ovata with thousand years old 、Patronus Cock is always protecting the gold and silver underground of Gaonin、supernatural hatchet 、chopsticks made of jade can drive out evil spirits and out of harm's way。
  七宝古镇位于上海西南地区。 因“七宝寺”而成名。 “七件宝”分别为:飞来佛、氽来钟、金字莲花经、前年神树(梓树)、金鸡(守护神)、玉斧(神奇的斧头)、玉筷(可避邪去毒)。

  There goes saying that “ We know the Shanghai City improving in the last decade by visiting the Pudong New area , We know the Shanghai City improving in the last century by visiting the Bund ,and we know the Shanghai City improving in the last thousand years by visiting the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”
  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” is located in the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”. There are rich Special Snacks and vintage constructions.

  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” is belongs the ancient town more than thousand years in Taihu Valley ,its scenary is just like the picture , it is the typical town in the city and it is also the nearest ancient town from the Shanghai urban district .

  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” are subdivided into streets in the south and the north streets respectively . The south street is mainly in special snacks and the north street is mainly in tourist souvenirs , antiques, calligraphy and paintings.
  The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .
  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the Zhouzhuang Village , Xitang and Zhujiajiao Town .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 01:55

  The Ancient Town with "Seven Treasures" is located in the south east of Shanghai City .It is famous as its “ Seven Treasures Temple” which has seven treasures include iron Buddha came from the sky , temple bell floated from the river 、Lotus Sutra edited in gold power 、Catalpa ovata with thousand years old 、Patronus Cock is always protecting the gold and silver underground of Gaonin、supernatural hatchet 、chopsticks made of jade can drive out evil spirits and out of harm's way。
  七宝古镇位于上海西南地区。 因“七宝寺”而成名。 “七件宝”分别为:飞来佛、氽来钟、金字莲花经、前年神树(梓树)、金鸡(守护神)、玉斧(神奇的斧头)、玉筷(可避邪去毒)。

  There goes saying that “ We know the Shanghai City improving in the last decade by visiting the Pudong New area , We know the Shanghai City improving in the last century by visiting the Bund ,and we know the Shanghai City improving in the last thousand years by visiting the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”
  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” is located in the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”. There are rich Special Snacks and vintage constructions.

  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” is belongs the ancient town more than thousand years in Taihu Valley ,its scenary is just like the picture , it is the typical town in the city and it is also the nearest ancient town from the Shanghai urban district .

  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” are subdivided into streets in the south and the north streets respectively . The south street is mainly in special snacks and the north street is mainly in tourist souvenirs , antiques, calligraphy and paintings.
  The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .
  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the Zhouzhuang Village , Xitang and Zhujiajiao Town .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 01:55

  The Ancient Town with "Seven Treasures" is located in the south east of Shanghai City .It is famous as its “ Seven Treasures Temple” which has seven treasures include iron Buddha came from the sky , temple bell floated from the river 、Lotus Sutra edited in gold power 、Catalpa ovata with thousand years old 、Patronus Cock is always protecting the gold and silver underground of Gaonin、supernatural hatchet 、chopsticks made of jade can drive out evil spirits and out of harm's way。
  七宝古镇位于上海西南地区。 因“七宝寺”而成名。 “七件宝”分别为:飞来佛、氽来钟、金字莲花经、前年神树(梓树)、金鸡(守护神)、玉斧(神奇的斧头)、玉筷(可避邪去毒)。

  There goes saying that “ We know the Shanghai City improving in the last decade by visiting the Pudong New area , We know the Shanghai City improving in the last century by visiting the Bund ,and we know the Shanghai City improving in the last thousand years by visiting the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”
  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” is located in the Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures”. There are rich Special Snacks and vintage constructions.

  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” is belongs the ancient town more than thousand years in Taihu Valley ,its scenary is just like the picture , it is the typical town in the city and it is also the nearest ancient town from the Shanghai urban district .

  The Ancient Streets with “Seven Treasures” are subdivided into streets in the south and the north streets respectively . The south street is mainly in special snacks and the north street is mainly in tourist souvenirs , antiques, calligraphy and paintings.
  The Ancient is the flourishing town centralizes leisure ,tourist and shopping .
  The Ancient Town with “Seven Treasures” becomes another tourist options for Shanghaiese with the Zhouzhuang Village , Xitang and Zhujiajiao Town .
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