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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-21 23:32



热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 18:51

What i shappiness? Happiness is mother's recognising thesteps of the father and daughter without their ringing the doorbell, greeting us with the dide open door despite the cold weather at minus 20 degrees centigrade; Happiness is on stepping into the warm home, one opening the bag and offering gifts to parents and little brother and then running to the table laid by mum, tasting the inviting delicious soup, chewing the mushrooms picked from the mountains by father in summer, having a large breakfast, going aside together with brother to avoid washing dishes, turning around to the parents to make faces to them and then flatter them.

That's all I can do. I'm not sure whether it is ok.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-22 18:51

What is happiness ?Happiness is needless etc. the En door bell see the mother recognizing an a pair with female father of footstep voice, regardless of below zero cold and big Chang of more than 20 degrees write the door greet us;Happiness is to step into the warm in home, open travelling bag bring of the gift send separately to the father mother and the younger brother, again run to mother already before putting a good dining table, article write the flavor come into nostrils captivating sauce soup forever, chew mushroom and fern vegetables that old daddy climbs mountain to adopt in summer, beautifully have an a great deal of super breakfast, again with the younger brother Xi smile to commit tomfoolery to hide part elusion to do dishes and twist a head to the father mother dress up as a grimace again the honeyed words be two
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