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prisoner of love英文版

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 11:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:16


prisoner of love英文版歌词

I'm a prisoner of love...

With a smile on your face, you did what I said
You lied again
"Let's just have some fun" but that really meant nothing
But what could I've done?

Everyone feels shades of blue.
Seeking an escape from the
That 's flowing through you.
After a painful heart
A shadow looms
Now, you're chasing love to feel true

Now that you're around, my days are sound
My ll everyday's are shining out
Maybe lonliness and pain are not as bad as I thought
Now my mind is clear, just with you here
But it's different that it was,
I 'm just a prisoner of love, just a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love...

Through the painful days and all
And the healthy times you still stayed close
Through the cloudy days and sunny days
Let's always walk together

I'm gonna tell you the truth
I chose all the pain that was inflicted on myself
And still you support me
The only one I really know
That I can call a friend

Avarice and strength and the pointless displays
I show mean absolutely nothing, babe
I've been in love since the day that we met each other
There's no life alone, but here we're alone
And I finally escaped from it all
I'm still a prisoner of love, just a prisoner of love.

Oh...there always will be a little more
Don't you give up
Oh, don't you desert me, don't my baby, oh

The harsher reality becomes, the farther away you're heart goes
But we'll somehow stay even closer than it was
I don't know how, I don't know how
But we'll stand firm against the odds
I'm just a prisoner of love, a prisoner of love....

Now that you're around, my days are sound
My ll everyday's are shining out
Maybe lonliness and pain are not as bad as I thought
Now my mind is clear, just with you here
But it's different that it was,
I 'm just a prisoner of love, just a prisoner of love
Prisoner of love...

Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, say you love me
Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, please don't leave me
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