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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-19 18:09



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:41

For rich and long Chinese culture,  I prefer Tang  & Song poetry and art, their unconstrained or implicit styles have given me a deep expression, especially Li Bai, Du Mu, Li Shangyin, Xin Qiji, Li Qingzhao and so on. Their deep love for the country and the people was embodied into the poems, which have cultivated our souls.

I have watched many movies, including science fiction films, movement films and affections movies. However, I usually like to see the science fiction and affection films, such as Avatar.

Yes, I do have many hobbies, such as playing shuttlecock, playing basketball and swimming.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:42

1. I like Tang poetry.I don’t have any particular favorite when it comes to art because I am appreciative of each work of art that I see. I like looking at abstract and colorful paintings as much as I like looking at portrait paintings. I also enjoy looking at clay sculptures the same way that I enjoy looking at ice sculptures. Each work of art has its own reason, background and history.
2.I watch many kinds of movies.Hollywood movie,Hongkong movie,and movies from the main land.
3.Yes ,I do

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:42

I like classic poetry such as William Wordsworth's and Ezra Pond's poems. As for art, I like paintings such as Picasso's works.

I like watching science fiction movies.

Yes. My hobbies include playing table tennis, basketball and swimming.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:43

ancient poetry they are beautiful and full of wisdom
love movies and fiction
I have many hobbies, such as singging, dangcing, ancient poetry,basketball and so on.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:43

1.I like looking at abstract and colorful paintings as much as I like looking at portrait paintings. And I like the poetry which is short and easy to understand.
2.I often watch action movies.
3.I have lots of hobbies such as singing,dancing,swimming and so on.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 22:44

1.chinese poetry
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