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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-20 14:25




"You need to be a one-time goods sent complete or partial shipment?"


2.Not diligently is defeated, any person all is such.3.The people mutually bestow the reactivating painted eggshell, to Easter that day, their cocktail party is opened enjoys.

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The bathroom should use the bright gentle lamps and lanterns, thelamps and lanterns should have moisture-proof and not the easy rustyfunction, the photosource to be supposed to use the colored index highincandescent lamp. Uses when the wall lamp must install the lamps andlanterns in...

汉译英在线翻译句子 急急急~~哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下啊~~ 谢谢了...

不用一次性的塑料袋;Not to use a one-time plastic bags;减少粮食的浪费;Reduced grain waste;随手关灯,随手关好水龙头 Turning off lights when you don't need it, turning off the tap after finish using it.使用手帕,少用纸巾……Use a handkerchief, less use paper towels ... ......

高分跪求 各位英语高手帮我翻译一下!!!急啊 !!!在线等。。。

My friends and my family always say that I always bring them sunshine. That is the merit which I like most. I am a positive person and I prefer to be positive. Another merit is that I have a strong capability of communication and harmonizing, by which I can make friends ...

英语高手帮帮忙! 帮忙翻译一下, 满意有赏分.快!!!

Like Harry Potter said, the Hogwarts magic school can teach us many spells, such as "Wingardium Leviosa", makes things up. Also have a terrible spell, for example Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. But the Hogwarts life is always interesting. There are three ways to contact the ...



英语高手帮忙翻译一下, 急啊

we must work planning, marketing combination selection and correct use of product, price, promotion strategy and network marketing strategy. To relieve pressure, reduce the risk of enterprises, to increase economic benefits etc threat has important significance.百分百正确 我是英语老师 ...


the bridge design and construction of Huaian city transport development is of great significance.1.2 generate the development of interchange 1.2.1 Interchange of produce (1) the characteristics of cross-plane Planar cross-road are two or more roads intersect in the same plane or conn...

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