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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 19:39



热心网友 时间:2023-07-08 14:06



  Last night I had a dream, in my dream, I as if place oneself in fairyland. Clouds around in my side, the wind light my hair , the birds play with me. In the dream, I was a painter, I use the most beautiful brush, picture the people dreams. Suddenly woke up, everything disappeared again...... I think, this is the most beautiful a dream of my! 昨天晚上我做了一个梦,在梦中,我仿佛置身于仙境中。朵朵白云环绕在我的身边,微风轻拂我的发丝,小鸟与我同玩乐。在梦中,我是一个画家,我用最美的'画笔,描绘人们的梦想。猛然间醒来,一切又消失了......我想,这是我最美的一个梦吧。


  I had a good dream last night. I'm going to be a cameraman when I grow up. I'm going to read many special books and practise shooting every day. I'm going to take many photo and send them to magazines and newspapers. I love nature and beautiful scene. Wish my camera , I could record the wonderful moment and picturesuqe scene and let others share with me. I love photographing. I hope my dream can come true some day.中文翻译: 我昨天晚上做了一个好梦。我长大之后要做一个摄影师。我每天都要去读很多书,而且必须练习摄像。我会把我每天照的相片发表在报纸和杂志上。我爱大自然和美丽的风景。要我有一台照相机,我就会捕捉美好的景象,然后让大家一起分享。 我喜欢摄影,希望某天我的梦可以成真。


  My Dream About Half-blood Prince.Every little girl will have her dream about prince. I always dream of a half-blood prince comes to me, just like the snow white and Cinderella in the fairy tale. I hope there will be a prince wearing white clothes to ask me to live happy life with him. And in the following days, I really have a happy life. Why I want a half-blood prince not just prince? I think half-blood prince would be more handsome. Hehe.英语作文篇四My Dream About Half-blood Prince.

  Every little girl will have her dream about prince. I always dream of a half-blood prince comes to me, just like the snow white and Cinderella in the fairy tale. I hope there will be a prince wearing white clothes to ask me to live happy life with him. And in the following days, I really have a happy life. Why I want a half-blood prince not just prince? I think half-blood prince would be more handsome. Hehe.

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