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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 19:56



热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 13:13

Nvwa Patches up the Sky

Tousands years ago, the heavens Nvwa, who used the yellow soil to make clay children and gave out the life to them. From then on, Nvwa had created human beings.People had enjoyable life.

However, there is a bad thing happened. One day, God Fire Zhurong and God Water Gonggong had a fight. Water Gonggong had broken the pillar for sky was knocked down. Half of the sky was fell down. The land have had lots of crevices and roads were leaked, the sea and fire flood on the earth. Nvwa wanted to save the human beings.

She decided to use the 'Five-colours Stone' to srepair the sky, than use feet of God Tortoise to stand below the sky. The discover was nearly finished, but she found that there isn't enough 'Five-colours Stone' for repairing.The shy was still not finished yet. How could she do?

Nvwa is forced to sacrifice for human's lifes, she used her body to repair the big hole. She tried several times, and finally finished repairing. The sky and ground recovered to quiet. Also, the 'five colours clouds had appeared. All the living things become nomal again.

Unfortunately, Nvwa dead at that time. She became a legend. Nowadays, everybody knows her.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 13:13

The goddess patching the sky
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