BLOB和CLOB的区别在于? A CLOB只能存放字符类型的数据,而BLOB没有任何限制
发布时间:2022-04-09 22:39
时间:2022-04-10 00:08
A BLOB is a binary large object, and a CLOB is a character large object.
The difference between characters and bytes is the Character set, i.e. the mapping between a character and the byte sequence it represents.
- With a blob, you have to use the right character set to retrive the data, e.g. if someone writes a text into a BLOB using UTF-8 and you read it back using ISO-8859-1, you do not get the same string back out.
- With a CLOB, the database takes care of the character set, you supply a String, and you get a String back, and you do not have to worry about which bytes are used to represent the characters
时间:2022-04-10 01:26
一个是放二进制类型的 一个是放普通的!