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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-09 04:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 16:54

More and more foreigners come to China for tour along with Chinese economic development,and Chinese tourism industry is booming. Tourist information in English is the important way for foreigners to learn about China. Hence its quality of translation plays an important part both in propagandizing China and promoting the tourism industry. 

In view of the translation of tourist information is different from the ones of literature,thesis,etc.The first thing should do before start is to understand the mode of writing of the English data. Then second is to clear the purpose of translation, videlicet introduce the specific and pracical information to tourist within a limited space. Eventually, yet have to clear the service object---the ordinary tourist with purpose of taking a holiday and relaxing. Only in this way can put forward the textual main contents to readers love to see and hear. 

This article is focused on: With the targeted of ordinary forengn tourist to research the tourist guide mainly refer to the tour resource and the translation problem of Chinese to English. 


热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 16:52

With the rapid development of China's economy,more and more overseas visitors come to China and boost China's tourist industry. As tourist introduction mateirals in English version becoming an important way to present China to foreign visitors, the quality of translation plays a significant role in the develpment of this industry and the advertizing of China as a whole.
The translation of tourist introduction materials are different from those of literary and documentary. You should, firstly, clearly understand the writing mode.Secondly, set specific goal for translation, that is to provide concrete and useful information to visitors in limited words. Last but not least, understand that the visitors’purposes are relexation and enjoyment during the tour.
This paper highlights the Chinese-English translation skills of tourist manual and advertisement which introduce Chinese tourist attractions to common visitors from abroad.
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