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英语作文 人文科学的重要性

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 20:53



热心网友 时间:2022-05-31 17:33

  Imagination is your mind's ability to create an idea or picture.In the creative imagination,you use your imagination to create what you want to achieve a clearer image,then you continue to focus on this idea or picture,give it with positive energy,until finally it becomes the reality.Great imagination is that we humans can better than other species of root-cause.Because of the imagination,we can create the invention,finds a new theorem.Without imagination we there will be no development and progress of mankind.To discover the theory of relativity by Einstein,simply because he can keep in a child's imagination.Newton Apple fall,imagine a scientific discovery of universal gravitation was because of the imagination.Based on current scientific inference mankind's earliest native to fire the imagination,like our ancestors and animals passed through the nascent life of living foods are eaten raw.Lightning fires burned a lot of animals at a time our ancestors ran and partly burned to death in the forest.Because is so hungry just to get those cooked with dead animals to eat.Found was delicious,cooked food and makes the body better absorb nutrients on the other animal parasites are killed because of the role of fire so as to rece the occurrence of human disease.Content increases the absorption of brain food,watching the keeper of the flame,seven of eight wanted to,do you want to put out the fire is continuing.Do you want to use a fire to keep warm.How to use your fire.Will be able to begin to imagine a lot of things,by trying to force the creation of texts,languages,science and technology.Inventing anything new.Burned food increases the human physical ability,other animals are afraid of the fire of many of the animals we use fire fight.Capacity increases started was interested in the unknown,and started exploring way.
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