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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 22:52



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 14:33

解读 economic rules and regulations country view and administrative law society view abstract: The market malfunctions the question in view of the market economy system under, the economic rules and regulations and the administrative law all uses the different way to overcome the market in the certain degree to malfunction the question. In their respective regulation, in the management social economy relations process, economic rules and regulations country view and administrative law society view appear one after another. Which ways does the economic rules and regulations national view main care state power have to use in the intervention social economy life to carry on the effective regulation, how standard, control state power exercising. But the administrative law society view request administration main body when exercises the administrative authority, must even more pay great attention to the social public interest the maintenance, what are more is the social public provides the social service. At the same time, economic rules and regulations country view and administrative law society view have the close relation, in adjusts the market together in the process, must coordinate deals with two relations, mutually coordinates, unceasingly develops consummation economic rules and regulations country view and administrative law society view. Key word: National view; Social view; State power; Social public interest

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 14:33

Interpretation of national economic law and administrative law concept of community
Abstract: The market economic system market failures, economic law and administrative law are using a different approach to a certain extent, overcome market failures. In their respective control and management of social and economic relations in the process of national economic law and administrative law concept of community appeared one after another. Economic Law of the major countries of concern to the state power intervention in economic life which should be used in the way of effective regulation and control, how to regulate and control the exercise of state power. The administrative law society of the main requirements in the exercise of administrative authority, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the maintenance of social and public interests, and more for the public provision of social services. At the same time, the concept of national economic law and administrative law concept is a close community ties in the common market in the process of adjustment, the need to coordinate handling the relationship between the two, coordinate with each other, and constantly improve the development of national economic law and administrative law concept of the community.
Key words: State of the community concept of state power; social and public interests
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