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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-07 08:51



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:01

Hello,everybody Today I to share the pictures: Hayao Miyazaki and hisanimation works.
As everyone knows, Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animation director of world famous, his works convey the humanities concern, environmental protectionconcept is good, make known to every family, deeply love the world. This picture, is Japan a netizen by painting method, clearly showing us all animation works of Hayao Miyazaki and he has directed, also reflects the win support among the people of Hayao Miyazaki's works.
This painting as the background to the blue sky and white clouds, tone is relatively soft, reflects two things Hayao Miyazaki cartoon which often convey:flying and sky. Occupy the largest proportion in the picture is Hayao Miyazaki,the old man's head and face, we can clearly see Hayao Miyazaki his personalcharacteristics, including that a head of white hair, a white beard, and that a pair of decades have not replaced the glasses. But in his facial features and hair surrounding, it is a series of animation works he directed. Want to know what these works? Let me give you details: the "by" in his glasses around,respectively is: the upper left corner of the "Totoro", tells us the alien godsJapanese Village Forest in the lower left corner of the sun, "Prince" and "lupin III", tells the story of a series about the teenage stories of adventure, the upper right corner of the "Kiki", tells the story of a magical girl back and growin another city, the lower right corner of the "sky city", tells the story of the air,and a rogue army of young children in the city of the sky adventures andbattles, and glasses in the lower right corner collapsed, it is shown the villainMooska eventually fell from the crack of the sky city ending; those on his hair"run", respectively is: the "Heidi of the Alps", is about a shepherdess Heidi story; the middle of the "Princess Mononoke", "Howl's Moving Castle", "valley of the wind", the three film with fantastic technique, expounds the concept of environmental protection, love to the world; the right is short for "Habitat", is also about environmental protection. Don't forget to fly in his head on the redplane, from the "red", is about a dislike of war men into pigs story; finally,those on his chin free "fly", respectively is: the left most "spirited away", is about girls and their parents into Chihiro the Japanese spirit world aftervarious adventures, this also is I most loves one works, is very touching, theright is "whisper of the heart", with the reality and fantasy insertion method,told us the mentality of a female high school students. More interesting, redfish Ponyo or in his nose with a nose form the drill out, from the film "Ponyo on the cliff", tells the story of a fish into the story of mankind; and out of hismouth, "detective Sherlock" the cat is a cat in the detective Sherlock, as wenow see TV series "Holmes" plot almost, but is a kitty cat; while around his glasses and hair, we can see which covered with green grass and vines, this is Hayao Miyazaki the most loving thing to use in the film, is the performance of the love for nature sincerely.
I think, this picture is very creative, to feed one's sight on, eyes bright, and thecolor changes in temperature equilibrium, not too harsh nor too dark, with theanimation inside color close to agreement, let a person feel very comfortable,and people feel calm. In his face, the head of the cartoon character is very complete, can make people more clearly understand that he had directed theanimation, and the characters, plot, character. Of course, you have to really see the movie will be more deeply aware of it all. But I still think this picturesomewhat flawed, and that is all the cartoon characters in the picture is too small, so do not see their faces, was Hayao Miyazaki's face is too large, the blank space too, seems a little empty, if can put these figures to enlarge somegood.
I hope that through this introction, you will then know even fell in love with Hayao Miyazaki's animation! Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 23:01

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