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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 21:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 15:36

Why to sleep?
Almost everyone after a busy day, to sleep sleep. Of course there are living a lifepeople do not sleep, but it is very few. People need to sleep is a physiologicalreaction, is a part of the brain neural activity, nerve cells in the cerebral cortexafter continued excited proced inhibition results. When the inhibition is dominant in the cerebral cortex, people will go to bed. People in life, work, rest, inneural activity, there is excitement, inhibition. Inhibition to protect nerve cells, so that it re excited, let people continue to work
A yawn is a reminder of the first sign of our lack of sleep. If there is no sleep for 18 hours, the reaction time of humanity will be changed from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec and continue to grow. While the ordinary people will begin to experience theparoxysmal sleeping, no matter in any place, lasts about 2 to 20 seconds, thenyou'll find out the need to re read just read something. Your eyelids are getting heavier, to 20 hours, you will begin to doze. And according to the study, when thereaction rate of normal people are basically equivalent to the content of alcohol in the blood -- if keeping the numerical driving for 0.08 people, you will bedetained in many countries. You will forget a lot of things, such as the two checkthe spelling of the names or parking on a hill set brake.
In the animal kingdom, sleep is as important as the food, water and sexual event.From Drosophila to modern people, everyone is so. But the scientists don't know exactly what is to sleep. In order to make the body again? Incomplete. People all know, muscle does not need to sleep, only to intermittently relax. In order to make the brain awake? Close. Good sleep will benefit the brain. But for how the brainbenefit from sleep, scholars at present there is no unified opinion.
One theory is that sleep helps to make all the information the brain to savehuman beings accept ring wakefulness. Another view is t. Another view is thatsleep is for the recovery of energy. There are some people proposed sleep often use some form of mystery to help us to master various skills. But what is sleep?
Two things happened in the last century 90 time metaphase, the focus will be on the essence of objective work back to sleep. Israel Weizmann Academy of Sciences in 1994 proposed the research scholars should focus on a false memory processing problems, and peep sleep state of the brain science and technology was greatly improved.
Scientists Weizmann Academy of Sciences found that people get the REM sleepquantity is directly related to their ability to identify the fixed pattern on a computer screen. This technique is c. This technique is called proceral memory, need to repeat the operation and practice. And remember facts, such as the memory of the presidents of the United States is declarative memory - anindependent ability and rapid eye movement sleep. Neuroscientist Robert of theHarvard University School of medicine. Siddiq Gode said: "on the memory, ourunderstanding is always very naive."
Accidental discovery
But some, scientists suddenly clear memory research direction. In the past fewyears, Siddiq Gode and his colleague Matthew. The influence of Walker together in the Boston Medical Center of Beth sleep for motor skills program memory.They make use of the right hand of the trainees use left hand again and again as soon as possible to play a string of numbers. They found that, regardless of theexperiment is at what time of the day, the trainees will improve the accuracy of60%-70%. in 6 minutes if the trainee to accept the experiment in the morning, 12 hours after the re test once, their precision and no big increase. But when thetrainees in the evening training and retested after getting up, their speed will increase 15%-20%, accuracy will increase 30%-40%.
Make expert surprise, those who have the greatest increase in training the most time spent in NREM sleep. And the other a vision or perception training requirestrainees have deep sleep or have both slow wave sleep and REM sleep,sometimes even a eyes hours will be very different. At other times, a good night's sleep is very necessary.
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