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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 20:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 07:04

word worth attention. Author because of setbacks in reform, was demoted from afar, mental burden is very non bucket, here found such a quiet place, see fish relish, the soul has been purification and restoration. The fish of the water, the music of the fish,

word worth attention. Author because of setbacks in reform, was demoted from afar, mental burden is very non bucket, here found such a quiet place, see fish relish, the soul has been purification and restoration. The fish of the water, the music of the fish,

英语作文 一百五十字左右

To all employees:Thanks to the kindness of our boss, a new policy has been put in place where all employees now enjoy a 15% discount on any CDs or VCDs purchased from the store when you present your discount card at the counter. This is really good news for all those mus...

chat in internet写一篇英语作文,一百五十个字

I feel that the internet is a very advanced information networking,and simplifies the task of gathering information,once you've mastered the language,that is.I feel that learning how to use the internet takes up too much time.Almost every week,something new pops up in the internet...


Air pollution is one of the major problems even danger of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The ...


which is expected to pay off in the short term and give the unemployed an advantage in the job market.It is due to the lack of professional skills that these workers have lagged behind in the society.These training programs aim to equip the workers with some special skills,such ...


Have a card up one's sleeve for this first time i see like that. I have succeeded 我有个克服那困难的计划,要战胜困难,首先我要战胜自己。发现缺点是改进的开端,克服所有的艰难,一起创造我们的抵抗基础。考进或者通过,经常通过战胜阻力。我妈妈告诉我说:“为了考试你需要充分的复习。”...


one can also learn from their hobbies. For example, if one's hobby is a kind of sport, he can get more healthy by doing sports. One can learn and have fun at the same with a hobby. So it is good for a person to have some hobbies.原创,放心使用、希望能帮到你~!


energy and even money I spent on them. The ambition is so worhtwhile that nothing can change my mind. I believe that even if there is only me who still try all his best to keep them on, people coming after still have chances to get a good look of our beatiful traditional...

英语作文(口语考试要用的 一百二十字以上)…下血本了 赏五十!写好点谢...

at them.if we choose to be single,when we become old,when we cannot take good care of ourselves,our goverment will do sth for us,but if we have children ,things will be better.For ourselves,for our parents,for the world,we shouldnot be single. (初次注册百度答题,见谅)...


and cooperation were the only way out.The United Nations is one of many international organizations that were eatablished during the post-war years. Nowadays it has taken an important role in resolving international disputes and advancing the progress of humanity.可能还不到150字,...

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