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热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 13:59

PDE algorithms.
adaptmesh - Adaptive mesh generation and PDE solution.
assema - Assemble area integral contributions.
assemb - Assemble boundary condition contributions.
assempde - Assemble a PDE problem.
hyperbolic - Solve hyperbolic problem.
parabolic - Solve parabolic problem.
pdeeig - Solve eigenvalue PDE problem.
pdenonlin - Solve nonlinear PDE problem.
poisolv - Fast solution of Poisson's equation on a rectangular grid.

User interface algorithms and utilities.
pdecirc - Draw circle.
pdeellip - Draw ellipse.
pdemdlcv - Convert MATLAB 4.2c Model M-files for use with MATLAB 5.
pdepoly - Draw polygon.
pderect - Draw rectangle.
pdetool - PDE Toolbox graphical user interface (GUI).

Geometry algorithms.
csgchk - Check validity of Geometry Description matrix.
csgdel - Delete borders between minimal regions.
decsg - Decompose Constructive Solid Geometry into minimal regions.
initmesh - Build an initial triangular mesh.
jigglemesh - Jiggle internal points of a triangular mesh.
pdearcl - Interpolation between parametric representation and arc length.
poimesh - Make regular mesh on a rectangular geometry.
refinemesh - Refines a triangular mesh.
wbound - Write boundary condition specification data file.
wgeom - Write geometry specification data file.

Plot functions.
pdecont - Shorthand command for contour plot.
pdegplot - Plot a PDE geometry.
pdemesh - Plot a PDE triangular mesh.
pdeplot - Generic PDE Toolbox plot function.
pdesurf - Shorthand command for surface plot.

Utility algorithms.
dst - Discrete sine transform.
idst - Inverse discrete sine transform.
pdeadgsc - Pick bad triangles using a relative tolerance criterion.
pdeadworst - Pick bad triangles relative to the worst value.
pdecgrad - Compute the flux of a PDE solution.
pdeent - Indices of triangles neighboring a given set of triangles.
pdegrad - Compute the gradient of the PDE solution.
pdeintrp - Interpolate function values to triangle midpoints.
pdejmps - Error estimates for adaption.
pdeprtni - Interpolate function values to mesh nodes.
pdesde - Indices of edges adjacent to a set of subdomains.
pdesdp - Indices of points in a set of subdomains.
pdesdt - Indices of triangles in a set of subdomains.
pdesmech - Compute structural mechanics tensor functions.
pdetrg - Triangle geometry data.
pdetriq - Measure the quality of mesh triangles.
poiasma - Boundary point matrix contributions for Poisson's equation.
poicalc - Fast solution of Poisson's equation on a rectangular grid.
poiindex - Indices of points in canonical ordering for rectangular grid.
sptarn - Solve generalized sparse eigenvalue problem.
tri2grid - Interpolate from PDE triangular mesh to rectangular mesh.

User defined algorithms.
pdebound - Boundary M-file.
pdegeom - Geometry M-file.

pdedemo1 - Exact solution of Poisson's equation on unit disk.
pdedemo2 - Solve Helmholtz's equation and study the reflected waves.
pdedemo3 - Solve a minimal surface problem.
pdedemo4 - Solve PDE problem using subdomain decomposition.
pdedemo5 - Solve a parabolic PDE (the heat equation).
pdedemo6 - Solve a hyperbolic PDE (the wave equation).
pdedemo7 - Adaptive solution with point source.
pdedemo8 - Solve Poisson's equation on rectangular grid.

pde is both a directory and a function.

Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2002/04/08 20:04:49 $

Reference page in Help browser
doc pde

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 14:00


热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 14:00

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