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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 22:16



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 06:08

In the city of the future development, the population density increases, the per capita covers an area of less, with past high-rise buildings rise, people's material life is bound to get enough satisfied, while in content, is the inner emptiness and loneliness, all facing the tall buildings, people urgently need a standard interface to relax, site selection in the brink of a small and medium-sized city urbanization, in this case, the surrounding buildings appear mixed function space and low utilization, discreet and negative edge space, urban space and lack of interest like the kind of problem, the architect should be able to vision, from now on to build a new, centralized, living room, it is the inner demand, is also the necessity of developing era.

Construction in the future should provide a complete level interface, interface, can be all kinds of activities, it may be more at a fixed pattern of use - square dance to go for a walk, outdoor movie drama performance, fitness, etc. Tiled space interface, is a set of box, each box is to meet the basic functional space, according to the variation of use have precise size, one can always easily in the form of fixed into each box. In building only a "room" and "room" distinction, and there is no common entry, the atrium space element. Inside the small courtyard provided each box necessary light, at the same time give them different fun. Eventually form "street - room", "yard - pick .
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